Monday, May 16, 2011

Justice on Earth

Justice, a word sweet in the mouth and melodious in the ear. How many of us have encountered people who want to enforce it. There was a struggle through legal channels to establish legal aid agencies. There is also a struggle through political channels to establish the party. There is also a struggle through the mass movements with berorasi and dismantle ulcers group of people who are considered evil. There is also a struggle through the mass media by publishing leaflets and newspapers about it. Everything want to reach a virtue, namely justice. But it is unfortunate. How many people who want the good but do not get it.

If we want to honestly ask ourselves each, the extent to which we understand the nature of justice and fairness to everyone that we must apply. Then it might be an idea of ​​justice it was still vague and confused in our minds. There are things that we consider ordinary and trivial but in fact it included a huge injustice. On the contrary could be something we consider very high values ​​of justice is no justice but it was still another a higher and more right to be defended. That's why here we would like to invite readers to re-look at the matter that is before us with glasses of Al-Qur'an and Sunnah through the method of understanding Salafush Salih.

God Telling You for Doing Fair

In the Qur'an Allah states:

يا أيها الذين آمنوا كونوا قوامين لله شهداء بالقسط ولا يجرمنكم شنآن قوم على ألا تعدلوا اعدلوا هو أقرب للتقوى واتقوا الله إن الله خبير بما تعملون

"O those who believe, let you be the ones who always uphold the truth because God, as witnesses to fair. And let not the hatred of a people to make you not be fair. Do fair because he is closer to piety. "(Surat al-Maa'idah: 8)

When commenting on the verse "O ye who believe, let you be the ones who uphold the truth, bearing witness for Allah" Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Jazaa'iri hafizhahullah said, "That (Allah ordered to) uphold justice in terms of law and the testimony ... "(Nidaa'atur Rahman, p.. 86) Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Nasir As rahimahullah Sa'di says," ... Every time you're eager to uphold justice and meant it to apply it then it will make you more nearer to piety heart. If justice is applied to perfection then becomes perfect piety. "(Taisir Karimir Rahman, p.. 224)

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah explain about the nature of justice. He explained that the meaning of fair is to fulfill the rights to each owner. Or it could also be interpreted by each owner seated position on the proper place (please see Huquuq Da'at Ilaihal Fithrah wa Ha-Ash Qararat Shariah, p.. 9) Thus, the core understanding is the problem of equitable rights and position. Everything has the rights and position. Up to unbelievers who do not fight the Muslims also have security rights in Islam. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Whoever kills infidels mu'ahad it will not be able to smell the fragrance of Paradise." (Narrated by Bukhari)

Know Justice by opponent

Opponents of the fair is despotic. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah testified that ruthlessness that there are three kinds:

    The most despotic tyranny, that is doing shirk in Allah. Although people who do not shirk menzalimi said God, even the man himself dizaliminya. Because he was humiliating himself to something that is not worthy to be worshiped.
    Tyranny someone against itself. That he did not fulfill the rights himself. As an example of fasting without breaking, night prayers continue and not go to sleep.
    Ruthlessness one person to another. Like for example when he violated the rights of others to beat him, kill him, seized his property, and so forth. (See Al Qaul Al Mufid, I/35, Ad DAA 'wad Dawaa' thing. 145)

So can we conclude, if someone wants to do justice to perfection then he should bertauhid properly, leaving the injustice against themselves as well as to fellow servant. With those three things is true justice will erect. It is strange when there are people who menzalimi animal called the people who do wrong, then to those who do shirk would be left free on the grounds of human rights! Shirk called despotic act as a slave has been addressed with the worship of something that is not entitled to worship. Though no one has the right diibadahi except Allah. The Prophet said, "The right of Allah that must be fulfilled by the servants is that they worship Him and not associate anything with Him." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) Therefore Luqman advises his son not to do shirk, because shirk including tyranny. As spoken of Allah Ta'ala which means, "Verily Shirk is a huge injustice." (Surah Luqman: 13)

As the tyranny that is stratified then the justice too. Allah ta'ala says which means, "Indeed We sent the messengers We have the proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the balance so that people uphold justice." (Surat al-Hadid: 25)

Rahimahullah Al Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said, "Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala proclaim that He sent His Apostles, lowering his books so that people uphold al qisth of justice. One of the most sublime form of justice is monotheism. He is the greatest principal pillars of justice and penegaknya. While polytheism is a very great injustice. So that shirk is the most despotic tyranny, while monotheism is the most fair justice ... "(Ad DAA 'wad Dawaa', p.. 145)

Recognizing Closer kesyirikan

As already stated in advance that shirk including tyranny. In fact he considered the greatest injustice because it involves the rights of Allah Ta'ala, the creator and ruler of the universe. It is only fitting this case we peeled deeper. Reader, may Allah give us taufik. The scholars have defined as an act of shirk to equate something other than God with God in the things of God, including specificity.

Specificity of God includes three cases:

    His rububiyah such as creating, turn, turn, provide sustenance, set the universe, the master, granted the prayer and so forth.
    His Uluhiyah like getting burnt offerings, sacrifices, became the place to ask for help, be objective observance, became the only resident shari'ah and so forth.
    Asma 'wa shifat Him as have the name of Allah, Ar Rahman and Ar Rabb. Or bearing the nature of knowing things unseen, and the like.

Thus, it is divided into three shirk: polytheism in rububiyah, shirk or polytheism in terms uluhiyah in terms of asthma 'wa shifat. A simple example can illustrate the occurrence of three kinds of shirk is once again is if there is someone who prays for help to the trustee who is dead. In the action involved three kinds of shirk at the same time, let us prove it!

First, a prayer to the guardian means that he believes that the guardian can grant his request. This means he has fallen into shirk rububiyah.

Secondly, one who prays to the saints means he has indicated that one form of worship to other than Allah, namely prayer. And the Prophet said, "that's Prayer worship" (Narrated by Tirmidhi) This means he has fallen into polytheism or shirk uluhiyah worship.

Third, a man who prayed to the saint it means that he believes that the guardian could hear her prayers, when the guardian is dead. It plunges itself into shirk in terms of attributes of Allah Ta'ala, the Supreme listen. He likened the ability to hear the caregiver with the ability to hear Allah Ta'ala. All-holy God from what they do. Now, whether the act like this never imagined in our mind if it includes tyranny? Or even vice versa, there are considered the ancestral tradition becomes an asset worthy of tourism?!

Eradicate tyranny with tyranny

Strange but true. Some people there are in her name as a fighter for justice. They want to defend the rights of the oppressed and tyrannized. But on the other side the way they travel is also unjust. Perhaps it is also true of people who call this their actions as ulahnya Robin Hood 'good thief'. And where there is a good thief? They invite people to join in a despotic system. That is a state system that does not distinguish between the rights and status of men by women. Though noble Qur'an explicitly says, "And it's not the same man as a woman." (Surah Ali Imran: 36) Allah also emphatically said, "There will be lucky to a people who give up their leadership to women affairs . '(Narrated by Bukhari) They want people to support this system, by which the voice of a cleric aligned with the voice of a gambler snapper class. With which the voice of an infidel for a Muslim voice. And Allah Ta'ala clearly states, "Say, 'Is it the same between the knowledgeable with people who are not knowledgeable?'" (Surah Az Zumar: 9) God also says, "Are we going to make the Muslims as well as people who are sinners (unbelievers) "(Surat al-Pen: 35) Allah also says," Will We'll make the (state of) those who fear the same with people who love sin? "(Surah Sad: 28)

Duhai, how they zalimnya this. Not to mention another injustice that arises when the legal decision-making occurs at the hands of the people, power in the hands of the people. And God said, "He who is not ruling by Allah revealed, they are the ones who do wrong." (Surat al-Maa'idah: 45) As if the people's voice is everything. Who would ever vote that was won in a power struggle. Then if the difference between this system with the law of the jungle. There, a large and powerful beast beat his body small and weak animals. And here, the sound of many voices are a little beat, O men of understanding what the difference between democracy and mob rule! So if the lion is worth getting the position as king of the jungle, because the lion's strongest, most vicious and most frightening sound, and of course the most ruthless when finish off their prey! O propagators caller justice and prosperity, where is justice that you strive for? Whose rights are you defending? With this system you guys have been aligning import Muslims who glorified Allah and His Messenger with the pagans who humiliated by Allah and His Messenger. Is there a worse insult than this humiliation?

Tawhid Awwalan Yes Du'aatal Islaam

It is not excessive if the scholars always bequeath to the propagators for preaching monotheism in taking forward the improvement in the human body. How could I not? Because with tauhidlah careful humans will depend solely to his Lord. So whatever the law given by God and they immediately receive with roomy chest and open arms. Because with tauhidlah wives will come back again moved to impose the headscarf and dress sense of shame. So that pornography will be uprooted and become garbage removed by the youth. For with the heart tauhidlah parents will again realize the importance of faith in his son and daughter, so that colleges, schools and boarding schools will bloom with students, pupils, and santriwati santriwan cautious. And with a monotheism that would erect the highest justice in the universe, and ruthlessness tumbanglah worst (read: shirk) that contaminates the history of human civilization.

Tauhid, this is the spirit of propaganda and the struggle of the Prophet and Apostles' alaihimush shalatu was salaam, let us for granted. Allah ta'ala says, "And indeed We sent to every nation a messenger who took Worship God and shun the Evil." (Surah An Nahl: 36) The Evil is anything that is worshiped but Allah, either by way complied with, worshiped or followed. And what about the democratic system. Is not man obeyed and followed him, until some of them fell down in kesyirikan in terms of obedience to other than Allah Ta'ala. Obey the system of human creation as opposed to the justice of Allah Ta'ala.

Democracy is not the right way to be able to establish an Islamic state. How would like to create an Islamic temporarily when applying this system from the beginning Islam has been equated with pagan religions. So when will materialize an Islamic state that you crave? It only exists in fantasy. My brother, your time to care, compassion energy, wealth and strength to care. Come join the ranks of the best generation of pin tracks led by the successors of Salaf scholars today, Shaykh Abdul 'Aziz ibn Baaz, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al' Uthaymeen, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Albani Nashiruddin rahimahumullah along with their students and other scholars walking on their manhaj, namely manhaj salaf. Sprinkle monotheism in the middle of the people, turn on the Sunnah that has abandoned the society. Undoubtedly the success will be achieved. Unity would be established. And bond ukhuwah will no longer need fetters undermined by the party and sect. Unite above manhaj ahlus salaf sunnah wal Jama'ah. God has promised to you, "If you help (religion) of Allah then surely Allah will help you and strengthen your position." (Surah Muhammad: 7) And Allaah knows best shawaab bish.

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