Position Companions of the Prophet in Muslim eyes (1)
Praise be to Allah, blessings and greetings may always terlimpah to the Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and those who follow them well until the end of the period. Amma ba'du.
Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi 'anhu said:
"Those who want to take an example then teladanilah people who have died. They are the companions of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. They are the ones most noble among the people. Most of their science, and most do not like membeban impose on ourselves. They are a people who have been chosen by God to accompany His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and to convey his religious teachings. Therefore tirulah their morals and follow the roads to them, because they are above the straight path. "(Al Wajiz fi 'Aqidati Salafish deeds, things. 198)
Understanding Companions
Friend is a person who met the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in a state of Muslims, died in a state of Islam, although before he died he never apostate like Al Asy'ats bin Qais. While the definition is met in a broader sense than sitting in front of him, walking along, had a meeting even without speaking, and including in this sense also if one of them (the Prophet or the person) ever to see the others, either directly or indirectly . Therefore, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum radhiyallahu'anhu a blind eye still called best friend (see Taisir its terms Hadith, p.. 198, An Nukat, p.. 149-151)
The attitude of Ahlus Sunnah Of The Companions
Shaykh Abu Musa Al Jaza'iri Abdurrazzaq hafizhahullah said: "Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama Salafiyun As always love them (the companions) and the many mentions of their goodness. They also prayed for mercy to his friend, ask forgiveness for them by implementing the word of Allah Ta'ala which means, "And those who came after them say: O our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who have preceded us in faith . And do not you make no sense of envy in our hearts to those who believe, Thou art the Supreme Gentle, Most Merciful. "(Qur'an Hasyr [59]: 10)
And including one principle which is believed by the Ahlus Sunnah As Salafiyun is refrained mention mention their ugliness as well as being silent (not denounce them, red) in response to disputes arising between them. Because they are the supporting pillars of religion, Islamic commander, servants Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, his helper, his companion and his faithful followers. The differences between them are differences in ijtihad. They are the mujtahid who really get the reward if and when one was still earn the reward. "That's people who have passed. For their reward for what they do. And for you what you do. You will not be asked about what they have done. "(Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 141). Any person who discredit the companions then surely he had opposed the proposition of the Book, Sunnah, ijma 'and reason. "(Al Is'aad FII Syarhi Lum'atil I'tiqaad, p.. 77)
The arguments of the Book About the virtues of the Companions
Allah ta'ala says which means, "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah is with those who are with him are stern to the disbelievers and they love each other. You see them bowing and prostrating always expect a gift from God and His good pleasure. "(Surat al-Fath: 29)
Allah ta'ala says which means, "For poor people than among immigrants who were expelled from their lands and leave their wealth because of the primacy of God and His good pleasure to help Allah's religion and His Messenger. They are the people who are true. While the people who live in the country (Ansar) and the faithful before they also love people who emigrated to them (immigrants) and in their hearts there is no sense of what they need and they give more priority to siblings than themselves own even though they also are in trouble. "(Qur'an Hasyr [59]: 8-9)
Allah ta'ala says which means, "It has pleased God to those who believe (the companions of the Prophet) when they pledged loyalty to you under the tree (Bai'atu Ridwan). God knows what is in their hearts. Then God sends down tranquility on them and back them with a close victory. "(Surat al-Fath [48]: 18)
Allah ta'ala says which means, "And the people who first (credited to Islam) from among the immigrants and the Ansar and those who follow them well, then God has been pleased with them and they had the pleasure of Allah. and God has prepared for them Gardens underneath which rivers flowing beneath, to dwell therein for ever. That is a huge victory. "(Surat At-Tauba [9]: 100)
Allah ta'ala says which means, "On the day when Allah will not humiliate the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light shines in the face and on their right. "(Surat at Tahrim [66]: 8) (see Al Is'aad, p.. 77-78)
The arguments of Sunnah About The virtues of the Companions
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Do not criticize one of its best friend. Because if there is real if one of you who can berinfak gold at Mount Uhud it would not be able to compete infak one of them, which only amounted to grasp the hand or even half. "(Muttafaq 'alaih)
He also said, "The best of mankind is my generation (friend), then the people who follow them (tabi'in) and then the people who follow them again (tabi'ut tabi'in)." (Muttafaq ' alaih)
He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "The stars are the mandate of heaven. If the stars had been destroyed then came the promised Judgement will befall the sky. While I am a mandate for his best friend. If I had gone then it was what God promised would happen to his best friend. While his best friend is a mandate for my people. So if the friend had gone there will come something (discord and disunity, red) which God has promised this will happen to my people. "(Narrated by Muslim)
Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "He who scolded his friend then he is entitled to a curse from God, the curse of the angels and the curse of all mankind." (Ash or higher: 234)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said, "When my friend mentioned about the so shut up." (Ash or higher: 24) (see Al Is'aad, p.. 78)
Theorem Ijma 'On the Primacy of the Companions
Imam Ibnush Shalah rahimahullah Preamble says in his book, "Verily this Ummah has agreed to assess the fair (reliable and obedient) to all the friends, as well as against those involved in the slander that is between them. this is already established on the basis of consensus of the scholars that their opinions are recognized in terms of consensus'. "
Imam Nawawi said in the book rahimahullah Taqribnya, "All Companions are just men, both involved in the arena of defamation or not, is based on the consensus of the scholars who can be counted."
Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in Al Ishabah book, "Ahlus Sunnah have agreed to state that all friends are fair. No one is menyelisihi in it but the people who deviate from the experts heresy. "
Imam Al-Qurtubi said in the book of his commentary, "All is fair friend, they are the guardians of Allah Ta'ala and holy men of his choice, the best man by his privileged among all His creatures after degrees of Prophets and His Messenger. This is the madhhab Ahlus Sunnah and adhered to by Al Jama from among the priests leaders of this people. There is a small class of people who are not worthy to note that considers that the position of the companions of the same with the position of the people besides them. "(See Al Is'aad, p.. 78)
Theorem about the virtues of the Companions Intellect
Shaykh Al Jazaa'iri Abdurrazzaq hafizhahullah said, "The Rafidhah (Shiite) assume that all infidels unless some friends are just in between them. While the fair Mu'tazilite assess them all except the friends who are involved in the arena defamation. Duhai, really wonder what they do!
Meanwhile, Allah Ta'ala says in his book, which means, "And Allah has sent down His tranquility than to His Messenger and the believers (the companions) and Allah has set a sentence devoted to them. They are the (Prophet and his companions) persons who are entitled to and deserve to receive it. And Allah is aware of everything. "(Surat al-Fath [48]: 26)
(In this verse) Allah has made them (the companions) as people who are entitled to and deserving of predicate piety, while they (Rafidhah and Mu'tazilite) actually denounce them! Then (the other arguments, red) At one point, Allah Ta'ala commanded His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to go to the Baqi' in order to ask forgiveness for the Companions who had died in between them and for him to pray for them. And he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also have died in a state of pleasure to them, then those people would denounce them!
Then again, ... (another reason the argument is) so much praise of God in the Book of His glorious and well out of the verbal praise that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to them in a state of Allah is to know about their actions and what will emerge of them after the Prophet died, while those that dare to criticize them with wishes ....
Then the next reason, which God has named them as the preachers who convey His religion and His revealed shari'ah and make them as a teacher of mankind after His Messenger, while these people actually dare to scold them ... holy Maha Thou O God, this is a very big lie. "(Al Is'aad, p.. 79)
Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi 'anhu said:
"Those who want to take an example then teladanilah people who have died. They are the companions of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. They are the ones most noble among the people. Most of their science, and most do not like membeban impose on ourselves. They are a people who have been chosen by God to accompany His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and to convey his religious teachings. Therefore tirulah their morals and follow the roads to them, because they are above the straight path. "(Al Wajiz fi 'Aqidati Salafish deeds, things. 198)
Understanding Companions
Friend is a person who met the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in a state of Muslims, died in a state of Islam, although before he died he never apostate like Al Asy'ats bin Qais. While the definition is met in a broader sense than sitting in front of him, walking along, had a meeting even without speaking, and including in this sense also if one of them (the Prophet or the person) ever to see the others, either directly or indirectly . Therefore, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum radhiyallahu'anhu a blind eye still called best friend (see Taisir its terms Hadith, p.. 198, An Nukat, p.. 149-151)
The attitude of Ahlus Sunnah Of The Companions
Shaykh Abu Musa Al Jaza'iri Abdurrazzaq hafizhahullah said: "Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama Salafiyun As always love them (the companions) and the many mentions of their goodness. They also prayed for mercy to his friend, ask forgiveness for them by implementing the word of Allah Ta'ala which means, "And those who came after them say: O our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who have preceded us in faith . And do not you make no sense of envy in our hearts to those who believe, Thou art the Supreme Gentle, Most Merciful. "(Qur'an Hasyr [59]: 10)
And including one principle which is believed by the Ahlus Sunnah As Salafiyun is refrained mention mention their ugliness as well as being silent (not denounce them, red) in response to disputes arising between them. Because they are the supporting pillars of religion, Islamic commander, servants Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, his helper, his companion and his faithful followers. The differences between them are differences in ijtihad. They are the mujtahid who really get the reward if and when one was still earn the reward. "That's people who have passed. For their reward for what they do. And for you what you do. You will not be asked about what they have done. "(Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 141). Any person who discredit the companions then surely he had opposed the proposition of the Book, Sunnah, ijma 'and reason. "(Al Is'aad FII Syarhi Lum'atil I'tiqaad, p.. 77)
The arguments of the Book About the virtues of the Companions
Allah ta'ala says which means, "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah is with those who are with him are stern to the disbelievers and they love each other. You see them bowing and prostrating always expect a gift from God and His good pleasure. "(Surat al-Fath: 29)
Allah ta'ala says which means, "For poor people than among immigrants who were expelled from their lands and leave their wealth because of the primacy of God and His good pleasure to help Allah's religion and His Messenger. They are the people who are true. While the people who live in the country (Ansar) and the faithful before they also love people who emigrated to them (immigrants) and in their hearts there is no sense of what they need and they give more priority to siblings than themselves own even though they also are in trouble. "(Qur'an Hasyr [59]: 8-9)
Allah ta'ala says which means, "It has pleased God to those who believe (the companions of the Prophet) when they pledged loyalty to you under the tree (Bai'atu Ridwan). God knows what is in their hearts. Then God sends down tranquility on them and back them with a close victory. "(Surat al-Fath [48]: 18)
Allah ta'ala says which means, "And the people who first (credited to Islam) from among the immigrants and the Ansar and those who follow them well, then God has been pleased with them and they had the pleasure of Allah. and God has prepared for them Gardens underneath which rivers flowing beneath, to dwell therein for ever. That is a huge victory. "(Surat At-Tauba [9]: 100)
Allah ta'ala says which means, "On the day when Allah will not humiliate the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light shines in the face and on their right. "(Surat at Tahrim [66]: 8) (see Al Is'aad, p.. 77-78)
The arguments of Sunnah About The virtues of the Companions
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Do not criticize one of its best friend. Because if there is real if one of you who can berinfak gold at Mount Uhud it would not be able to compete infak one of them, which only amounted to grasp the hand or even half. "(Muttafaq 'alaih)
He also said, "The best of mankind is my generation (friend), then the people who follow them (tabi'in) and then the people who follow them again (tabi'ut tabi'in)." (Muttafaq ' alaih)
He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "The stars are the mandate of heaven. If the stars had been destroyed then came the promised Judgement will befall the sky. While I am a mandate for his best friend. If I had gone then it was what God promised would happen to his best friend. While his best friend is a mandate for my people. So if the friend had gone there will come something (discord and disunity, red) which God has promised this will happen to my people. "(Narrated by Muslim)
Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "He who scolded his friend then he is entitled to a curse from God, the curse of the angels and the curse of all mankind." (Ash or higher: 234)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said, "When my friend mentioned about the so shut up." (Ash or higher: 24) (see Al Is'aad, p.. 78)
Theorem Ijma 'On the Primacy of the Companions
Imam Ibnush Shalah rahimahullah Preamble says in his book, "Verily this Ummah has agreed to assess the fair (reliable and obedient) to all the friends, as well as against those involved in the slander that is between them. this is already established on the basis of consensus of the scholars that their opinions are recognized in terms of consensus'. "
Imam Nawawi said in the book rahimahullah Taqribnya, "All Companions are just men, both involved in the arena of defamation or not, is based on the consensus of the scholars who can be counted."
Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in Al Ishabah book, "Ahlus Sunnah have agreed to state that all friends are fair. No one is menyelisihi in it but the people who deviate from the experts heresy. "
Imam Al-Qurtubi said in the book of his commentary, "All is fair friend, they are the guardians of Allah Ta'ala and holy men of his choice, the best man by his privileged among all His creatures after degrees of Prophets and His Messenger. This is the madhhab Ahlus Sunnah and adhered to by Al Jama from among the priests leaders of this people. There is a small class of people who are not worthy to note that considers that the position of the companions of the same with the position of the people besides them. "(See Al Is'aad, p.. 78)
Theorem about the virtues of the Companions Intellect
Shaykh Al Jazaa'iri Abdurrazzaq hafizhahullah said, "The Rafidhah (Shiite) assume that all infidels unless some friends are just in between them. While the fair Mu'tazilite assess them all except the friends who are involved in the arena defamation. Duhai, really wonder what they do!
Meanwhile, Allah Ta'ala says in his book, which means, "And Allah has sent down His tranquility than to His Messenger and the believers (the companions) and Allah has set a sentence devoted to them. They are the (Prophet and his companions) persons who are entitled to and deserve to receive it. And Allah is aware of everything. "(Surat al-Fath [48]: 26)
(In this verse) Allah has made them (the companions) as people who are entitled to and deserving of predicate piety, while they (Rafidhah and Mu'tazilite) actually denounce them! Then (the other arguments, red) At one point, Allah Ta'ala commanded His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to go to the Baqi' in order to ask forgiveness for the Companions who had died in between them and for him to pray for them. And he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also have died in a state of pleasure to them, then those people would denounce them!
Then again, ... (another reason the argument is) so much praise of God in the Book of His glorious and well out of the verbal praise that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to them in a state of Allah is to know about their actions and what will emerge of them after the Prophet died, while those that dare to criticize them with wishes ....
Then the next reason, which God has named them as the preachers who convey His religion and His revealed shari'ah and make them as a teacher of mankind after His Messenger, while these people actually dare to scold them ... holy Maha Thou O God, this is a very big lie. "(Al Is'aad, p.. 79)
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