Primacy shake hands When Meet
From al-Bara 'bin' Azib radi 'anhu, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
ما من مسلمين يلتقيان فيتصافحان إلا غفر لهما قبل أن يفترقا
"It is not two Muslims meet each other and then shook hands, but will forgive (sins) they were before they parted." [1]
This noble Hadith which shows the primacy shake hands when they met, and this is a matter that is recommended by consensus of the scholars [2], even this is a Sunnah that muakkad (strongly emphasized) [3].
Faidah-Faidah Important Contained In Hadith:
Meaning mushaafahah (shaking hands) in this hadith is shaking hands with one hand, the right hand, from both sides [4]. How to shake hands as is explained in many a saheeh hadeeth, and this is the meaning of "shook hands" in a language [5]. As do the handshake with two hands is the way that menyelisihi Sunnah Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam [6].
Disunnahkan also shook hands when parting, according to a hadith is strengthened by Shaykh al-Albani [7]. So the notion that shaking hands when parting is not prescribed is an opinion that has no arguments / argument. Although clearly not as strong advocacy of advice to shake hands when meeting [8].
Shaking hands is that worship disyari'atkan when meeting and parting, then do so in addition to those two times, for example after five daily prayers, is menyelisihi teachings of the Prophet, even some scholars as an act of heresy menghukuminya [9]. Among the scholars who can not do this is al-'Izz ibn 'Abdussalam, Ibn Hajar al-Shafi'i Haitami, Quthbuddin son' Ala-uddin al-Makki al-Hanafi, al-Laknawi and others [10 ].
As for shaking hands after praying for two people who just met at that time (after the five daily prayers, pen), then this is recommended, because the intention is to shake hands because both met and not because of prayer [11].
Kissing the hands of a teacher / preachers when meeting with him is allowed, based on several hadith Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and deeds some friends radi' anhum. But the permissibility must meet several requirements, namely:
(A) Does not make it a habit, because the Companions radi 'anhum itself does not often do it to Rasuluillah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, especially if it is done for the purpose of seeking blessing by kissing the hand of the teacher.
(B) The act does not make the teacher became arrogant and felt great in front of others, as often happens today.
(C) Do not let it make us abandon the Sunnah is more mainstream and more encouraged when they met, ie shaking hands, as the above [12].
[1] Reported by Abu Dawood (no. 5212), at-Tirmidhi (no. 2727), Ibn Majah (no. 3703) and Ahmad (4 / 289), declared saheeh by Shaikh al-Albani with various channels and their supporters in the book Silasilatul Ahaaditsish Shahiihah (no. 525).
[2] See Syarh Saheeh Muslim (17/101) and Fath Baari (11/55).
[3] See the book Faidhul Qadiir (5 / 499).
[4] See the book Tuhfatul ahwadzi (7 / 429) and 'Aunul Ma'bud (14/80).
[5] See the book Lisanul 'Arab (2 / 512).
[6] See the book Ahaaditsish Silasilatul Shahiihah (1/51-52).
[7] In Silasilatul Ahaaditsish Shahiihah (1 / 48).
[8] Ibid (1/52-53).
[9] As al-Fadil al-Ruumi, al-Shaikh Laknawi and al-Albani.
[10] See their speech excerpt in the book of al-Mubin fi Qaulul Akhtha Mushallin-il (p. 294-296).
[11] See Silasilatul Ahaaditsish Shahiihah (1 / 53).
[12] See Silasilatul Ahaaditsish Shahiihah (1 / 302).
ما من مسلمين يلتقيان فيتصافحان إلا غفر لهما قبل أن يفترقا
"It is not two Muslims meet each other and then shook hands, but will forgive (sins) they were before they parted." [1]
This noble Hadith which shows the primacy shake hands when they met, and this is a matter that is recommended by consensus of the scholars [2], even this is a Sunnah that muakkad (strongly emphasized) [3].
Faidah-Faidah Important Contained In Hadith:
Meaning mushaafahah (shaking hands) in this hadith is shaking hands with one hand, the right hand, from both sides [4]. How to shake hands as is explained in many a saheeh hadeeth, and this is the meaning of "shook hands" in a language [5]. As do the handshake with two hands is the way that menyelisihi Sunnah Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam [6].
Disunnahkan also shook hands when parting, according to a hadith is strengthened by Shaykh al-Albani [7]. So the notion that shaking hands when parting is not prescribed is an opinion that has no arguments / argument. Although clearly not as strong advocacy of advice to shake hands when meeting [8].
Shaking hands is that worship disyari'atkan when meeting and parting, then do so in addition to those two times, for example after five daily prayers, is menyelisihi teachings of the Prophet, even some scholars as an act of heresy menghukuminya [9]. Among the scholars who can not do this is al-'Izz ibn 'Abdussalam, Ibn Hajar al-Shafi'i Haitami, Quthbuddin son' Ala-uddin al-Makki al-Hanafi, al-Laknawi and others [10 ].
As for shaking hands after praying for two people who just met at that time (after the five daily prayers, pen), then this is recommended, because the intention is to shake hands because both met and not because of prayer [11].
Kissing the hands of a teacher / preachers when meeting with him is allowed, based on several hadith Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and deeds some friends radi' anhum. But the permissibility must meet several requirements, namely:
(A) Does not make it a habit, because the Companions radi 'anhum itself does not often do it to Rasuluillah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, especially if it is done for the purpose of seeking blessing by kissing the hand of the teacher.
(B) The act does not make the teacher became arrogant and felt great in front of others, as often happens today.
(C) Do not let it make us abandon the Sunnah is more mainstream and more encouraged when they met, ie shaking hands, as the above [12].
[1] Reported by Abu Dawood (no. 5212), at-Tirmidhi (no. 2727), Ibn Majah (no. 3703) and Ahmad (4 / 289), declared saheeh by Shaikh al-Albani with various channels and their supporters in the book Silasilatul Ahaaditsish Shahiihah (no. 525).
[2] See Syarh Saheeh Muslim (17/101) and Fath Baari (11/55).
[3] See the book Faidhul Qadiir (5 / 499).
[4] See the book Tuhfatul ahwadzi (7 / 429) and 'Aunul Ma'bud (14/80).
[5] See the book Lisanul 'Arab (2 / 512).
[6] See the book Ahaaditsish Silasilatul Shahiihah (1/51-52).
[7] In Silasilatul Ahaaditsish Shahiihah (1 / 48).
[8] Ibid (1/52-53).
[9] As al-Fadil al-Ruumi, al-Shaikh Laknawi and al-Albani.
[10] See their speech excerpt in the book of al-Mubin fi Qaulul Akhtha Mushallin-il (p. 294-296).
[11] See Silasilatul Ahaaditsish Shahiihah (1 / 53).
[12] See Silasilatul Ahaaditsish Shahiihah (1 / 302).
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