Wearing a veil in view of the Law School 4
Veiled woman is often identified with the Arabs or the east-central. While wearing the veil or covering the face for women is based on the teachings of Islam which postulates the Qur'an, the hadiths saheeh and the implementation of the Companions of the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam and the scholars who followed them. So it is not true belief that it was just a middle-eastern culture.
Here we deliberately bring the opinions of the scholars schools, without mentioning pendalilan them, to prove that the discussions are listed and discussed explicitly in the books of fiqh four schools. Moreover, scholars suggest four schools are all Muslim women to wear veils, even in part to the advice required. Some penukilan mentioned here are only a piece of it, because there are many more similar explanations from the clergy schools.
Opinion Hanafi madhhab, women face is not the genitals, but wearing the veil is Sunnah (recommended) and becomes mandatory if the feared cause a scandal.
* Ash Syaranbalali said:
وجميع بدن الحرة عورة إلا وجهها وكفيها باطنهما وظاهرهما في الأصح, وهو المختار
"The whole body of a woman is genitalia except face and palms of hands and soles of the outside, this opinion is saheeh and is the choice of our schools" (Matan Nuurul Iidhah)
* Al-Imam Muhammad 'Alaa-uddin said:
وجميع بدن الحرة عورة إلا وجهها وكفيها, وقدميها في رواية, وكذا صوتها, وليس بعورة على الأشبه, وإنما يؤدي إلى الفتنة, ولذا تمنع من كشف وجهها بين الرجال للفتنة
"The entire body is a woman's genitals but in the face and palms. In a history, well beyond the palms. Likewise his voice. But not if front of fellow female genitalia. If tends to cause a scandal, it is forbidden to show his face toward men "(Ad Durr Al Muntaqa, 81)
* Al-Allamah Al Hashkafi said:
والمرأة كالرجل, لكنها تكشف وجهها لا رأسها, ولو سدلت شيئا عليه وجافته جاز, بل يندب
"Aurat women in prayer is like a male genitalia. But the woman's face while his head was not opened. If a woman is wearing something on her face or closed, may, even encouraged "(Ad Durr al-Mukhtar, 2 / 189)
* Al Allamah Ibn Abidin said:
تمنع من الكشف لخوف أن يرى الرجال وجهها فتقع الفتنة, لأنه مع الكشف قد يقع النظر إليها بشهوة
"Forbidden to reveal her face for fear that women will be seen by the men, then arises the calumny. Because if dinampakkan face, sometimes he saw it with lust "(Hasyiah 'ALAD Durr Al Mukhtaar, 3/188-189)
* Al Allamah Ibn Najiim said:
قال مشايخنا: تمنع المرأة الشابة من كشف وجهها بين الرجال في زماننا للفتنة
"The scholars say that our schools off limits to young woman to show her face in front of the men of our time, because it was feared cause a scandal" (Al Bahr Al Raaiq, 284)
He said this at his age, that he died in 970 H, what about our times now?
Maliki madhhab
Maliki school of thought argues that a woman's face is not the genitals, but wearing the veil is Sunnah (recommended) and be obliged if fear is fear of fitnah. Even some scholars Maliki believes the whole female body is aurat.
* Az Zarqaani said:
وعورة الحرة مع رجل أجنبي مسلم غير الوجه والكفين من جميع جسدها, حتى دلاليها وقصتها. وأما الوجه والكفان ظاهرهما وباطنهما, فله رؤيتهما مكشوفين ولو شابة بلا عذر من شهادة أو طب, إلا لخوف فتنة أو قصد لذة فيحرم, كنظر لأمرد, كما للفاكهاني والقلشاني
"Aurat woman in front of Muslim men ajnabi is the whole body except face and palms. Even the beautiful voice as well aurat. While the face, palms outside and inside, may dinampakkan and viewed by men although women are still young good just to see or for medicinal purposes. Unless otherwise arise worried defamation or man saw the woman for berlezat-delicious, it is haraam, as illicit see amraad. It is also revealed by the Al Faakihaani and Al Qalsyaani "(Syarh Mukhtasar Khalil, 176)
* Ibn al-Arabi said:
والمرأة كلها عورة, بدنها, وصوتها, فلا يجوز كشف ذلك إلا لضرورة, أو لحاجة, كالشهادة عليها, أو داء يكون ببدنها, أو سؤالها عما يعن ويعرض عندها
"She was entirely is aurat. Neither his body nor his voice. They should not show his face except for emergency or urgent need for such testimony or treatment on the body, or we questioned whether he was the person in question (in a problem) "(Ahkaamul Qur'an, 3 / 1579)
* Al-Qurtubi said:
قال ابن خويز منداد وهو من كبار علماء المالكية: إن المرأة اذا كانت جميلة وخيف من وجهها وكفيها الفتنة, فعليها ستر ذلك; وإن كانت عجوزا أو مقبحة جاز أن تكشف وجهها وكفيها
"Ibn Juwaiz Mandad - he is a scholar of Maliki - said: If a woman is beautiful and worry on his face and his hands cause a scandal, he should shut his face. If he or his ugly old woman, allowed him to show his face "(Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 12/229)
* Al Hathab said:
واعلم أنه إن خشي من المرأة الفتنة يجب عليها ستر الوجه والكفين. قاله القاضي عبد الوهاب, ونقله عنه الشيخ أحمد زروق في شرح الرسالة, وهو ظاهر التوضيح
"You know, if the woman is feared happened libel must close the face and hands. It is said by Al-Qadhi Abdul-Wahhab, was also quoted by Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq in Syarhur Risaalah. And this is a more precise opinion "(Mawahib Jaliil, 499)
* Al-Allamah Al Banaani, explaining the opinion of Az Zarqani above:
وهو الذي لابن مرزوق في اغتنام الفرصة قائلا: إنه مشهور المذهب, ونقل الحطاب أيضا الوجوب عن القاضي عبد الوهاب, أو لا يجب عليها ذلك, وإنما على الرجل غض بصره, وهو مقتضى نقل مواق عن عياض. وفصل الشيخ زروق في شرح الوغليسية بين الجميلة فيجب عليها, وغيرها فيستحب
"Opinion was also said by Ibn Marzuuq in the book Ightimamul Furshah, he said: 'This is the famous opinion in the Maliki madhhab'. Al Hathab also quoted the words of Al-Qadhi Abdul-Wahhab that is obligatory. Some scholars Maliki said that his legal opinion is not mandatory but the man must subdue his views. This opinion was quoted Mawwaq from Iyadh. Sheikh Zarruq in the book detailing Syarhul Waghlisiyyah, if beautiful then it is obligatory, if not beautiful then the Sunnah "(Hasyiyah 'Ala Az Syarh Zarqaani, 176)
Shafi'i madhhab
Opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab, women's genitals in front of men ajnabi (not a mahram) is the entire body. So they require the women wear veils in the presence of men ajnabi. This is the opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab mu'tamad.
* Ash Syarwani said:
إن لها ثلاث عورات: عورة في الصلاة, وهو ما تقدم أي كل بدنها ما سوى الوجه والكفين. وعورة بالنسبة لنظر الأجانب إليها: جميع بدنها حتى الوجه والكفين على المعتمد وعورة في الخلوة وعند المحارم: كعورة الرجل »اه أي ما بين السرة والركبة
"Women have three types of private parts, (1) genitalia in prayer-as already described-the whole body except face and palms, (2) against the views of male genitalia ajnabi, the entire body including the face and palms, in the opinion of the mu ' tamad, (3) aurat when alone with a mahram, just like men, between the navel and thigh "(Hasyiah Ash Syarwani 'Ala Tuhfatul Muhtaaj, 2 / 112)
* Shaykh Sulayman al-Jamal said:
غير وجه وكفين: وهذه عورتها في الصلاة. وأما عورتها عند النساء المسلمات مطلقا وعند الرجال المحارم, فما بين السرة والركبة. وأما عند الرجال الأجانب فجميع البدن
"An Nawawi's words mean 'female genitalia is in addition to the face and palms of hands', this is aurat in prayer. The Muslim woman is absolutely genitals in the presence of a mahram man who still is between the navel to the thigh. While in the presence of non-mahram men is the whole body "(Hasyiatul Jamal Ala 'Syarh Al Minhaj, 411)
* Shaikh Muhammad ibn Qaasim Al Ghazzi, author of Fath Qaarib, said:
وجميع بدن المرأة الحرة عورة إلا وجهها وكفيها, وهذه عورتها في الصلاة, أما خارج الصلاة فعورتها جميع بدنها
"The entire body except her face and palms is aurat. It's genitalia in prayer. The outside of prayer, women's aurat is the whole body "(Fath Qaarib, 19)
* Qaasim Ibn al-Abadi said:
فيجب ما ستر من الأنثى ولو رقيقة ما عدا الوجه والكفين. ووجوب سترهما في الحياة ليس لكونهما عورة, بل لخوف الفتنة غالبا
"Mandatory for women to cover their entire body except the palms face, although a thin lid. And shall also close the face and palms, not because they are the genitalia, but because in general they tend to cause a scandal "(Hasyiah Qaasim Ibn 'Ala Tuhfatul Muhtaaj, 3 / 115)
* Taqiyuddin Al Hushni, author Kifaayatul Akhyaar, said:
ويكره أن يصلي في ثوب فيه صورة وتمثيل, والمرأة متنقبة إلا أن تكون في مسجد وهناك أجانب لا يحترزون عن النظر, فإن خيف من النظر إليها ما يجر إلى الفساد حرم عليها رفع النقاب
"Makruh ruling on prayer by wearing clothes with a picture or painting. Makruh are also women wearing the niqab (veil) when praying. Unless the condition is difficult to wake up in the mosque of pandnagan men ajnabi. If a woman fears viewed by men ajnabi causing damage, unlawful release the niqab (veil) "(Kifaayatul Akhyaar, 181)
Hanbali madhhab
* Imam Ahmad bin Hambal said:
كل شيء منها أي من المرأة الحرة عورة حتى الظفر
"Every part of the female body is the genitals, including nails" (quoted in Zaadul Masiir, 6 / 31)
* Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdil Aziz Al 'Anqaari, author Raudhul Murbi', said:
«وكل الحرة البالغة عورة حتى ذوائبها, صرح به في الرعاية. اه إلا وجهها فليس عورة في الصلاة. وأما خارجها فكلها عورة حتى وجهها بالنسبة إلى الرجل والخنثى وبالنسبة إلى مثلها عورتها ما بين السرة إلى الركبة
"Every woman's body part which is baligh genitalia, including the angle of his head. This opinion has been described in the book Ar Ri'ayah ... except the face, because the face is not the private parts in prayer. The outside of prayer, all parts of the body is the genitalia, including her face when in the presence of man or in the presence of a sissy. If in the presence of other women, his private parts between the navel to the thigh "(Raudhul Murbi ', 140)
* Ibn Muflih said:
«قال أحمد: ولا تبدي زينتها إلا لمن في الآية ونقل أبو طالب: ظفرها عورة, فإذا خرجت فلا تبين شيئا, ولا خفها, فإنه يصف القدم, وأحب إلي أن تجعل لكمها زرا عند يدها
"Imam Ahmad said: 'The purpose of the verse is, do not they (women) show off their adornment except to the person mentioned in paragraph'. Abu Talib was quoted explanation of his (Imam Ahmad): 'Nails women including genitals. If they come out, not allowed to reveal anything even khuf (like socks), because it still appeared dent khuf foot. And I'd prefer if they made such a button press on the hand '"(Al-Furu', 601-602)
* Shaikh Mansur ibn Yunus ibn Idris al Bahuti, when explaining Matan Al Iqna ', he said:
«وهما» أي: الكفان. «والوجه» من الحرة البالغة «عورة خارجها» أي الصلاة «باعتبار النظر كبقية بدنها»
"'Both, two palms and the face is beyond prayer genitalia because of the view, just like members of other bodies" (Kasyful Qanaa', 309)
* Shaikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen said:
القول الراجح في هذه المسألة وجوب ستر الوجه عن الرجال الأجانب
"Opinions are strong on this issue is obligatory for women to close the face of the man ajnabi" (Fatawa Nurun 'ALAD Darb, http://www.ibnothaimeen.com/all/noor/article_4913.shtml)
Is the veil of Islamic Culture
From the above presentation, it is clear that wearing the veil (and also the headscarf) is not just a middle-eastern culture, but the culture of Islam and Islamic teachings have been taught by the scholars of Islam as the inheritors of the Prophet who provide instruction to all Muslims, not to communities east -middle. If this is the Islamic culture has been regarded as a local culture of middle-eastern society, then surely this is a good case. Because this is so fitting for a Muslim, the Islamic culture.
Among other evidence that the veil (and also the veil) is the Islamic culture:
1. Before he was kept down verses that instruct or hijab, arab culture Ignorance is revealing genitalia, primp if out of the house, dressed Nudity or called tabarruj. Therefore, Allah Ta'ala says:
وقرن في بيوتكن ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى
"Should be that you (Muslim women), are in your homes and let you guys were tabarruj ignorant woman, as was done earlier" (Surat al-Ahzab: 33)
Meanwhile, the so-called ignorance is the period when the Prophet Shallalahu'alihi wasallam has not been sent. When Islam came, Muslims to change this bad culture by ordering the women to he was kept. This proves that the hijab or headscarf is derived from Islamic culture.
2. When it comes down the verse of hijab, the Muslim woman who believes in Allah Shallalahu'alaihi wasallam immediately they find any fabric that can cover their aurat. 'Aisha Radhiallahu'anha said:
ما نزلت هذه الآية (وليضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن) أخذن أزرهن فشققنها من قبل الحواشي فاختمرن بها
"(The women immigrants), when it comes down this verse:" And let them cover with a cloth veil to the chest (and neck) them. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 31), they tore their sheets and they were hooded with it." (HR . Bukhari 4759)
Show that previously they did not dress that covers their aurat aurat-so they use the existing fabric in order to comply with that paragraph.
In short, the scholars have been discussing since the first law for women wearing veils. Some require, and some argue is Sunnah. None of them are saying that this discussion applies only to a Muslim woman arab or east-middle. So it is not true that wearing a veil was strange, extreme, excessive in religion, or culture bandwagon arab country.
Here we deliberately bring the opinions of the scholars schools, without mentioning pendalilan them, to prove that the discussions are listed and discussed explicitly in the books of fiqh four schools. Moreover, scholars suggest four schools are all Muslim women to wear veils, even in part to the advice required. Some penukilan mentioned here are only a piece of it, because there are many more similar explanations from the clergy schools.
Opinion Hanafi madhhab, women face is not the genitals, but wearing the veil is Sunnah (recommended) and becomes mandatory if the feared cause a scandal.
* Ash Syaranbalali said:
وجميع بدن الحرة عورة إلا وجهها وكفيها باطنهما وظاهرهما في الأصح, وهو المختار
"The whole body of a woman is genitalia except face and palms of hands and soles of the outside, this opinion is saheeh and is the choice of our schools" (Matan Nuurul Iidhah)
* Al-Imam Muhammad 'Alaa-uddin said:
وجميع بدن الحرة عورة إلا وجهها وكفيها, وقدميها في رواية, وكذا صوتها, وليس بعورة على الأشبه, وإنما يؤدي إلى الفتنة, ولذا تمنع من كشف وجهها بين الرجال للفتنة
"The entire body is a woman's genitals but in the face and palms. In a history, well beyond the palms. Likewise his voice. But not if front of fellow female genitalia. If tends to cause a scandal, it is forbidden to show his face toward men "(Ad Durr Al Muntaqa, 81)
* Al-Allamah Al Hashkafi said:
والمرأة كالرجل, لكنها تكشف وجهها لا رأسها, ولو سدلت شيئا عليه وجافته جاز, بل يندب
"Aurat women in prayer is like a male genitalia. But the woman's face while his head was not opened. If a woman is wearing something on her face or closed, may, even encouraged "(Ad Durr al-Mukhtar, 2 / 189)
* Al Allamah Ibn Abidin said:
تمنع من الكشف لخوف أن يرى الرجال وجهها فتقع الفتنة, لأنه مع الكشف قد يقع النظر إليها بشهوة
"Forbidden to reveal her face for fear that women will be seen by the men, then arises the calumny. Because if dinampakkan face, sometimes he saw it with lust "(Hasyiah 'ALAD Durr Al Mukhtaar, 3/188-189)
* Al Allamah Ibn Najiim said:
قال مشايخنا: تمنع المرأة الشابة من كشف وجهها بين الرجال في زماننا للفتنة
"The scholars say that our schools off limits to young woman to show her face in front of the men of our time, because it was feared cause a scandal" (Al Bahr Al Raaiq, 284)
He said this at his age, that he died in 970 H, what about our times now?
Maliki madhhab
Maliki school of thought argues that a woman's face is not the genitals, but wearing the veil is Sunnah (recommended) and be obliged if fear is fear of fitnah. Even some scholars Maliki believes the whole female body is aurat.
* Az Zarqaani said:
وعورة الحرة مع رجل أجنبي مسلم غير الوجه والكفين من جميع جسدها, حتى دلاليها وقصتها. وأما الوجه والكفان ظاهرهما وباطنهما, فله رؤيتهما مكشوفين ولو شابة بلا عذر من شهادة أو طب, إلا لخوف فتنة أو قصد لذة فيحرم, كنظر لأمرد, كما للفاكهاني والقلشاني
"Aurat woman in front of Muslim men ajnabi is the whole body except face and palms. Even the beautiful voice as well aurat. While the face, palms outside and inside, may dinampakkan and viewed by men although women are still young good just to see or for medicinal purposes. Unless otherwise arise worried defamation or man saw the woman for berlezat-delicious, it is haraam, as illicit see amraad. It is also revealed by the Al Faakihaani and Al Qalsyaani "(Syarh Mukhtasar Khalil, 176)
* Ibn al-Arabi said:
والمرأة كلها عورة, بدنها, وصوتها, فلا يجوز كشف ذلك إلا لضرورة, أو لحاجة, كالشهادة عليها, أو داء يكون ببدنها, أو سؤالها عما يعن ويعرض عندها
"She was entirely is aurat. Neither his body nor his voice. They should not show his face except for emergency or urgent need for such testimony or treatment on the body, or we questioned whether he was the person in question (in a problem) "(Ahkaamul Qur'an, 3 / 1579)
* Al-Qurtubi said:
قال ابن خويز منداد وهو من كبار علماء المالكية: إن المرأة اذا كانت جميلة وخيف من وجهها وكفيها الفتنة, فعليها ستر ذلك; وإن كانت عجوزا أو مقبحة جاز أن تكشف وجهها وكفيها
"Ibn Juwaiz Mandad - he is a scholar of Maliki - said: If a woman is beautiful and worry on his face and his hands cause a scandal, he should shut his face. If he or his ugly old woman, allowed him to show his face "(Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 12/229)
* Al Hathab said:
واعلم أنه إن خشي من المرأة الفتنة يجب عليها ستر الوجه والكفين. قاله القاضي عبد الوهاب, ونقله عنه الشيخ أحمد زروق في شرح الرسالة, وهو ظاهر التوضيح
"You know, if the woman is feared happened libel must close the face and hands. It is said by Al-Qadhi Abdul-Wahhab, was also quoted by Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq in Syarhur Risaalah. And this is a more precise opinion "(Mawahib Jaliil, 499)
* Al-Allamah Al Banaani, explaining the opinion of Az Zarqani above:
وهو الذي لابن مرزوق في اغتنام الفرصة قائلا: إنه مشهور المذهب, ونقل الحطاب أيضا الوجوب عن القاضي عبد الوهاب, أو لا يجب عليها ذلك, وإنما على الرجل غض بصره, وهو مقتضى نقل مواق عن عياض. وفصل الشيخ زروق في شرح الوغليسية بين الجميلة فيجب عليها, وغيرها فيستحب
"Opinion was also said by Ibn Marzuuq in the book Ightimamul Furshah, he said: 'This is the famous opinion in the Maliki madhhab'. Al Hathab also quoted the words of Al-Qadhi Abdul-Wahhab that is obligatory. Some scholars Maliki said that his legal opinion is not mandatory but the man must subdue his views. This opinion was quoted Mawwaq from Iyadh. Sheikh Zarruq in the book detailing Syarhul Waghlisiyyah, if beautiful then it is obligatory, if not beautiful then the Sunnah "(Hasyiyah 'Ala Az Syarh Zarqaani, 176)
Shafi'i madhhab
Opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab, women's genitals in front of men ajnabi (not a mahram) is the entire body. So they require the women wear veils in the presence of men ajnabi. This is the opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab mu'tamad.
* Ash Syarwani said:
إن لها ثلاث عورات: عورة في الصلاة, وهو ما تقدم أي كل بدنها ما سوى الوجه والكفين. وعورة بالنسبة لنظر الأجانب إليها: جميع بدنها حتى الوجه والكفين على المعتمد وعورة في الخلوة وعند المحارم: كعورة الرجل »اه أي ما بين السرة والركبة
"Women have three types of private parts, (1) genitalia in prayer-as already described-the whole body except face and palms, (2) against the views of male genitalia ajnabi, the entire body including the face and palms, in the opinion of the mu ' tamad, (3) aurat when alone with a mahram, just like men, between the navel and thigh "(Hasyiah Ash Syarwani 'Ala Tuhfatul Muhtaaj, 2 / 112)
* Shaykh Sulayman al-Jamal said:
غير وجه وكفين: وهذه عورتها في الصلاة. وأما عورتها عند النساء المسلمات مطلقا وعند الرجال المحارم, فما بين السرة والركبة. وأما عند الرجال الأجانب فجميع البدن
"An Nawawi's words mean 'female genitalia is in addition to the face and palms of hands', this is aurat in prayer. The Muslim woman is absolutely genitals in the presence of a mahram man who still is between the navel to the thigh. While in the presence of non-mahram men is the whole body "(Hasyiatul Jamal Ala 'Syarh Al Minhaj, 411)
* Shaikh Muhammad ibn Qaasim Al Ghazzi, author of Fath Qaarib, said:
وجميع بدن المرأة الحرة عورة إلا وجهها وكفيها, وهذه عورتها في الصلاة, أما خارج الصلاة فعورتها جميع بدنها
"The entire body except her face and palms is aurat. It's genitalia in prayer. The outside of prayer, women's aurat is the whole body "(Fath Qaarib, 19)
* Qaasim Ibn al-Abadi said:
فيجب ما ستر من الأنثى ولو رقيقة ما عدا الوجه والكفين. ووجوب سترهما في الحياة ليس لكونهما عورة, بل لخوف الفتنة غالبا
"Mandatory for women to cover their entire body except the palms face, although a thin lid. And shall also close the face and palms, not because they are the genitalia, but because in general they tend to cause a scandal "(Hasyiah Qaasim Ibn 'Ala Tuhfatul Muhtaaj, 3 / 115)
* Taqiyuddin Al Hushni, author Kifaayatul Akhyaar, said:
ويكره أن يصلي في ثوب فيه صورة وتمثيل, والمرأة متنقبة إلا أن تكون في مسجد وهناك أجانب لا يحترزون عن النظر, فإن خيف من النظر إليها ما يجر إلى الفساد حرم عليها رفع النقاب
"Makruh ruling on prayer by wearing clothes with a picture or painting. Makruh are also women wearing the niqab (veil) when praying. Unless the condition is difficult to wake up in the mosque of pandnagan men ajnabi. If a woman fears viewed by men ajnabi causing damage, unlawful release the niqab (veil) "(Kifaayatul Akhyaar, 181)
Hanbali madhhab
* Imam Ahmad bin Hambal said:
كل شيء منها أي من المرأة الحرة عورة حتى الظفر
"Every part of the female body is the genitals, including nails" (quoted in Zaadul Masiir, 6 / 31)
* Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdil Aziz Al 'Anqaari, author Raudhul Murbi', said:
«وكل الحرة البالغة عورة حتى ذوائبها, صرح به في الرعاية. اه إلا وجهها فليس عورة في الصلاة. وأما خارجها فكلها عورة حتى وجهها بالنسبة إلى الرجل والخنثى وبالنسبة إلى مثلها عورتها ما بين السرة إلى الركبة
"Every woman's body part which is baligh genitalia, including the angle of his head. This opinion has been described in the book Ar Ri'ayah ... except the face, because the face is not the private parts in prayer. The outside of prayer, all parts of the body is the genitalia, including her face when in the presence of man or in the presence of a sissy. If in the presence of other women, his private parts between the navel to the thigh "(Raudhul Murbi ', 140)
* Ibn Muflih said:
«قال أحمد: ولا تبدي زينتها إلا لمن في الآية ونقل أبو طالب: ظفرها عورة, فإذا خرجت فلا تبين شيئا, ولا خفها, فإنه يصف القدم, وأحب إلي أن تجعل لكمها زرا عند يدها
"Imam Ahmad said: 'The purpose of the verse is, do not they (women) show off their adornment except to the person mentioned in paragraph'. Abu Talib was quoted explanation of his (Imam Ahmad): 'Nails women including genitals. If they come out, not allowed to reveal anything even khuf (like socks), because it still appeared dent khuf foot. And I'd prefer if they made such a button press on the hand '"(Al-Furu', 601-602)
* Shaikh Mansur ibn Yunus ibn Idris al Bahuti, when explaining Matan Al Iqna ', he said:
«وهما» أي: الكفان. «والوجه» من الحرة البالغة «عورة خارجها» أي الصلاة «باعتبار النظر كبقية بدنها»
"'Both, two palms and the face is beyond prayer genitalia because of the view, just like members of other bodies" (Kasyful Qanaa', 309)
* Shaikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen said:
القول الراجح في هذه المسألة وجوب ستر الوجه عن الرجال الأجانب
"Opinions are strong on this issue is obligatory for women to close the face of the man ajnabi" (Fatawa Nurun 'ALAD Darb, http://www.ibnothaimeen.com/all/noor/article_4913.shtml)
Is the veil of Islamic Culture
From the above presentation, it is clear that wearing the veil (and also the headscarf) is not just a middle-eastern culture, but the culture of Islam and Islamic teachings have been taught by the scholars of Islam as the inheritors of the Prophet who provide instruction to all Muslims, not to communities east -middle. If this is the Islamic culture has been regarded as a local culture of middle-eastern society, then surely this is a good case. Because this is so fitting for a Muslim, the Islamic culture.
Among other evidence that the veil (and also the veil) is the Islamic culture:
1. Before he was kept down verses that instruct or hijab, arab culture Ignorance is revealing genitalia, primp if out of the house, dressed Nudity or called tabarruj. Therefore, Allah Ta'ala says:
وقرن في بيوتكن ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى
"Should be that you (Muslim women), are in your homes and let you guys were tabarruj ignorant woman, as was done earlier" (Surat al-Ahzab: 33)
Meanwhile, the so-called ignorance is the period when the Prophet Shallalahu'alihi wasallam has not been sent. When Islam came, Muslims to change this bad culture by ordering the women to he was kept. This proves that the hijab or headscarf is derived from Islamic culture.
2. When it comes down the verse of hijab, the Muslim woman who believes in Allah Shallalahu'alaihi wasallam immediately they find any fabric that can cover their aurat. 'Aisha Radhiallahu'anha said:
ما نزلت هذه الآية (وليضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن) أخذن أزرهن فشققنها من قبل الحواشي فاختمرن بها
"(The women immigrants), when it comes down this verse:" And let them cover with a cloth veil to the chest (and neck) them. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 31), they tore their sheets and they were hooded with it." (HR . Bukhari 4759)
Show that previously they did not dress that covers their aurat aurat-so they use the existing fabric in order to comply with that paragraph.
In short, the scholars have been discussing since the first law for women wearing veils. Some require, and some argue is Sunnah. None of them are saying that this discussion applies only to a Muslim woman arab or east-middle. So it is not true that wearing a veil was strange, extreme, excessive in religion, or culture bandwagon arab country.
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