Thursday, July 29, 2010

carnal desire

Adl tendency of the soul desires to something whether it be good or bad. Each verse Qur'an mentions about lust who always in the form of disapprobation in addition to reminding us to not follow and tends to him.

Likewise with when talking about the Hadith Nabawi lust always say it as a reprehensible thing. Except in some hadith such as the word of the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam "It does not believe any one of you so that his desires are subject to what I bring." Adl lust Eve worshiped besides Allah the worst. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam said: "At under heaven there is no god who is worshiped big LBH who in God's eyes other than lust who obeyed." Krn That passion can change a lot of good human soul to be bad than fair to zhalim from polytheism from monotheism to be bent and straight from the sunnah to be heretical.
Therefore, the experts called a heresy with my lust. "So do you ever see people enacting their desires as his god and God let astray by his knowledge and God has been locked to death of hearing and his heart and put a cover on his sight? Who then who will guide him after God. So why do you not remember? ". "Tell me about people enacting their desires as his god. So if you can make a guardian over him? Or do you suppose that most of them hear or understand. They had nothing but like cattle even LBH astray. "

In the Qur'an Allah Almighty sometimes heretical and compares the experts who always indulge his desires with canine donkey or cattle. "And to them the story of people who have been We gave Our verses and then he let go of themselves than those verses and then he was followed by the devil And was among those who go astray. And if we truly wish we raise it with the verses but he tends to the world and followed the desires low-imagery like a dog then if you menghalaunya held out his tongue and if you let him he put out his tongue. Such is the likeness of those who belied Our verses. So tell those stories that they think. Evil the likeness of those who belied Our verses to them alone and they do zhalim. ". In another verse Allah the Exalted says "It's as if they were wild donkey running surprised to flee from a lion."

Allah warned His prophet Muhammad Allaah wasallam desires so as not to obey the idolaters. Allaah says "And krn summon and keep it as commanded thee, and do not follow their own lusts, and say" I believe in whatever Book Allah has sent down and who I am commanded to do justice among you all. "Also, in order not follow the vain desires of the Jews and Christians. "Those Jews and Christians will not be pleased with you until you follow their religion. Say 'The guidance of God's guidance. "And verily if thou follow their desires after the knowledge came unto God is no longer the protector and helper for you."

Furthermore, God describes the deviation and depravity idolaters in His Word "And if thou bring to the people who received the Scripture all the verses they would not follow kiblatmu and ye also will not follow their Qiblah. And some they will not follow the direction of some else. And verily if thou follow their desires after the knowledge came unto ye then included among those who zhalim. "

God commands through the book and His Apostle so that we determine the oral law among men justly. In addition to warn us not to follow the passions with one who tends to disagree is not true. "O people, be ye faithful people who actually witnessed krn justice of God even as against yourselves, or mother's father and the relatives. If he is rich or poor for Allah can best protect both LBH. So follow not passion krn want to deviate from the truth. And if you distort or reluctant witnesses adl verily Allah is Knower of all what you do. "

God told him that following the desires of His way will offend someone. "Hi David! We made you inheritors of the earth, then give a decision between people justly, nor follow the vain desires and he will mislead you from the path of Allah." Then God explained the end of those straggler from His way with words "Lo! those who stray from the path of Allah who will get severe punishment krn they forgot the day of reckoning. "

In al-Musnad Anas Radhiallahu explained that 'anhu said: The Apostle sallallaahu' alayhi wasallam said: "There are three cases who had destroyed and three other cases saving. As for who is talking nasakan; cuff indulged lusts who followed and 'ujub to yourself. While saving is obedient to God's good in a state secret or openly unjust when angry or pleased with both simple and effective when poor or rich. "

Ibn al-Qayyim mentions in his book Raudhatul Muhibbin "Those who follow his desires are not entitled to be obeyed must not be allowed to become priests and tidaka followed. Allah the Exalted, fired from the Imamate and enjoins us obey them. "The dismissal of the Imamate adl based on the word of Allah, the Exalted" Behold, I will make you a priest to the whole human being "Ibrahim said from his offspring. God says "I promise this is not about the people who zhalim."

And every person who follows his desires without doubt he adl including people who zhalim God said "But people who follow zhalim desires without knowledge." As for those who obey the ban following the passions inherent in the word of God "And do not you follow a man who himself has given us lalaikan of Us and the whims and desires and adl the situation was out of bounds. "

In the same book of Ibn al-Qayyim said: "Verily, the passions that adl a ban who Hell around with him surrounded. Whoever falls into desires then thrown into the fire Jahannam she. Shahihain that mentioned in the Apostle sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam said: "Heaven is surrounded with the things of hell who hated and was surrounded with a variety of lust." In a hadith marfu' from Abu Hurairah narrated "When God created the heaven, He sent Gabriel to get there. God said "Look over there and look at the potluck I provide for their inhabitants." Then Gabriel came and saw him also to see what God provided for the residents and he said "For the glory and keagunganMu not one of the servant heard about the news except enter it. "Then God commanded him that he is surrounded with things and who hated God said to Gabriel's" Come back and see paradise. "then he came back and saw him while he has been surrounded with the things who hated then Gabriel said" For the glory and keagunganMu indeed I fear no one will enter it. Then God said to him: "Go to hell and see it all at once what I am preparing for the residents." Then Gabriel came to see the hell and what it provided for the residents. Hell it was partly composed of some others who he said "For the glory and kebesaranMu no one hears about it and then enter it." Then God told him then hell with shahwat dikelillingi then God said to Gabriel "Go back and look at him. "Then Gabriel returned to see hell and he said" For the glory and keagunganMu indeed I fear no one will be safe from him. "Imam Tirmidhi said: This hadeeth saheeh hasan adl.

Ibn al-Qayyim within a matter of virtue fight lust commented "Lo fight lust for a servant to bear a loss of power in the hearts and verbal." Some of the Salaf said: "People who can beat LBH desires stronger than people with conquering a city alone." In saheeh hadeeth mentioned "It is not a strong person who was victorious in wrestling, but one who strongly adl person who can master his desires when he's angry."

May God keep us from the mistakes of omission and love for lust. Hopefully, he makes us among the people-shy and obedient to Him. Amen ..

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