Friday, July 30, 2010

Women Who Dress Tight And Transparent

This time I found an interesting article (I think was, according to lu Are You?). once associated with 'women today', if talking about the age, must now do you think (maybe), wacky era. ya emang now more wacky era (eeiiittss not pack age edaan lho) hahahahaaa
this is the end-time picture of the world, who despise publish aurat.

This article made me at once teasing reprimand, may be useful
knowledge sharing is istilahnyooooo, let that get me but the science is not cuman you all who read. aamin ya rabb ...

teruuss, if you feel this article is good, Monggo dicopas, but do not forget mecantumkan link the source.
Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim ....

refer to the hadith of Rasulullah below:

* Messenger of Allah said, "The women who dressed but (essentially) naked, lenggak-crook, their heads like a camel's hump, they will not enter Paradise and not smell the fragrant scent (Narrated by Abu Dawood)

* Messenger of Allah said, "No prayer accepted except adult women who wear khimar (headscarf) (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, bn Majah)

na'udzubillah if we pray, but not accepted. contemporary scientific research has found bahwasannya women who are not veiled or clothed, but stringent, or transparent, then he will experience a variety of malignant cancer all over his body members are open, what girl or girls who wear tight-tight clothing. British medical magazine launched the results of scientific research by quoting a few facts, among them that milanoma malignant cancer at an early age, and progressively increase and spread to the foot. And the main cause of this malignant disease is a strict dress worn by the daughters in the sun, in a long time after many years. and the nylon socks they wear is not at all helpful in keeping their feet from malignant cancer. And indeed the British medical magazine has also been doing a poll about this milanoma disease, and as their circumstances are similar to those lawless state (Arab pagans) who in da'wahi by the Prophet. Concerning this Allah says:

* And remember when they said: O Allah, if this (the Qur'an) is true from your side then hujanilah stones at us from heaven or bring us a painful punishment (Sura Al-Anfaal: 32)

and it has come a painful punishment or which is lighter than that, namely cancer, where cancer is cancer seganas-ganasnya of various cancers. And this disease is the result of which contain ultraviolet sun for a long period disekujur tight clothing, beach clothes (which is usually used when the infidels on the beach and bask in there) that they wear. And the disease is sometimes related to the whole body and with different levels. That appears first is like a little black dots wide. And sometimes in the form of small dots, most of them in the foot or calf, and sometimes in the area around the eyes; then spread to all parts of the body accompanied by growth in areas that used to be seen, convergence spleen (area in the upper thigh), attacking the blood, and settle in the liver and damage it.

sometimes also settled in the whole body, including: bone, and the inside of the chest and abdomen because of the two kidneys, causing urine to black. because of kidney damage caused by attacks of this malignant disease. And sometimes also attack the fetus in the womb of the mother who was pregnant. People suffering from this malignant cancer will not live long, as medicine to heal wounds as opportunity for all types of cancer (other than this malignant cancer), where these drugs can not cure this cancer.

from here, we know the wisdom of the great human anatomy in the Islamic perspective on women who violate the limits of shari'ah. namely, that the correct model of women's clothing is covering the whole body, not tight, not transparent, except face and palms. And it's increasingly clear that the clothes are simple and polite is the best preventive measures so as not exposed to doom the world like the above mentioned diseases, especially the punishment of the Hereafter is far more powerful and poignant. Then, if after the testimony of contemporary science-and already there is confirmation of the shari'ah law is wise since 14 centuries ago-we will still not a good dress (hijab) and even fixed bertabarruj instead?
hopefully we can get better:)
Hopefully useful for us all.
Amiiin .......

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