History of Mawlid of the Prophet sallallaahu `Warning alaihi wasallam
a. History maulid warning:
All the scholars agree that maulid Prophet never celebrated at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam life and not also in the reign khulafaurrasyidin.
Then when the commencement of the Prophet maulid warning the first time and who have it?
Al Maqrizy (a historian of Islam) in his book "Al khutath" explaining that the Prophet began maulid IV celebrated Hegira century by Fathimiyyun Dynasty in Egypt.
Dynasti Fathimiyyun begin to take control of Egypt in the year 362 H, Al Muiz lidinillah first king, conquered Egypt in the early years she made a six-day celebration of birth at the same time, the day of birth (maulid) of the Prophet, the birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the birthday of Fatimah, Hasan was born the day , day of birth and the birth of King Hussein in power.
Later in the year 487 H on the reign of Al Afdal warning six days of birth are written off and are not celebrated this king died in 515 AH
In the year 515 H inaugurated the newly styled King liahkamillah Al amir, he revived the six maulid warnings, the warnings so that 'the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi maulid wasallam who fell at the beginning of the month Rabi is celebrated from year to year up to contemporary times and extends almost to the whole world .
b.Hakikat Dynasti Fathimiyyun:
Abu Shama (hadith experts and chronicle 665 years of H's death) explains in his book "Raudhatain" that the first king of this dynasty from Morocco, he was named Said, after conquering Egypt, he changed his name to Ubaidillah and claimed to be from the descendants of Ali and Fatima, and in the end he wear degree of Al Mahdi. But experts nasab explained that he really comes from the descendants of Al Qaddah Zoroastrian religion, the other opinion explains that he is the son of a Jew who worked as a blacksmith in the Sham.
Shia dynasty adopts Bathiniyah; among their error is that the Mahdi's followers as a god to believe the creator and giver of sustenance, after the Mahdi's death his son, who became king always carry a curse of the Prophet's wife `A'ishah alaihi wasallam in the markets.
Error of this dynasty did not let it alone, hence many scholars who live in those days would include explaining to the people of Al Ghazali wrote a book titled "Fadhaih bathiniyyah (ulcers aqidah Bathiniyyah)" in the book, in chapter eight he has adherents menghukumi infidels, apostates and out of the religion of Islam.
c. Legal maulid celebration of the Prophet:
Actually, knowing the origins of the celebration maulid created by a misguided group no longer need to be explained about the ruling. Because I believe that the Muslim faithful would not have gone astray like to celebrate this event.
But remember that some people still doubt this event will be error it is necessary to explain some arguments (arguments) are declared unlawful maulid celebrate the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam.
Among theses:
1. Most high God says:
This day have I perfected your religion for you, and have both ends meet My My favor unto you, and have been Ku-Islam is a religion ridhai you. (Q. S. Al anymore: 3).
The above verse explains that the religion of Islam has been the perfect should not be added and subtracted, then the people who were celebrating the Prophet maulid made after the Prophet `alaihi wasallam death means menetang this paragraph and think religion is not perfect still need to be added. It was contrary to paragraph maulid warning above.
2. Word of the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam:
(إياكم ومحدثات الأمور فإن كل بدعة ضلالة) رواه أبو داود والترمذي
Stay away from my practice that is not examplize (bid `ah), since every bid` ah misleading. " HR. Abu Dawood and Tarmizi.
Warning maulid Prophet Prophet never been exemplified, it means that it is bi'dah, and every bi'dah is misguided, mean maulid commemoration of the Prophet is misguided acts.
3. Word of the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam:
((من أحدث في أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد)) متفق عليه, وفي رواية لمسلم ((من عمل عملا ليس عليه أمرنا فهو رد))
"Who revives a practice that has no basis in our Dien, amalannya rejected." Muttafaq 'alaih
In Muslim history: "Who practice the act which has no basis in our Dien, amalannya rejected."
Two of the above hadith explains that every deed that is not emulated the Prophet will not be acceptable in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, and warning maulid exemplified by Prophet Prophet did not mean warning maulid prophet is not accepted and rejected.
4. Word of the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam:
((من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم)) رواه أبو داود
He who imitate the traditions of a people then he is part of the such. HR. David Ash.
Memorial day tradition of the Prophet Muhammad was born the tradition of imitating Christianity celebrates the birth of the Messiah (called natal day), then the people doing the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet as a part of Christendom-wal 'iyazubillah-.
5. Warning maulid Prophet often we hear from the advocates that it is a manifestation of the love of the Prophet. I do not understand how someone who expresses his love for the Prophet with a way violating his orders, because the Prophet had forbidden his followers to do innovations. This is expressed by a poet like:
لو كان حبك صادقا لأطعته إن المحب لمن أحب مطيع
If the pure sincere love to him, thou shalt obey them.
Because the real people who love going to adhere to his loved ones
6. People who entered the Prophet maulid event that never actually taught Prophet he had accused the Prophet have been treason, and did not convey the whole treatise was adopting.
Imam Malik said, "people who make a heretic and he is considered a good deed, he has been accused essentially does not convey the message of the Prophet treason.
After reading this article, pray to Allah to be given the guidance to be able to accept the truth and given the strength to be able mengamalkannya and do not be deceived by the number of people who do like the word of God:
And if you obey most of the people on this earth, they will mislead thee from the Path of Allah. They follow nothing but conjecture, and they are nothing but a lie (against Allah) "(Qur'an An'aam: 116).
Abu Raihanah
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