Monday, July 26, 2010

Smile, Not Laughing...

Smile, Not Laughing ..
By parting with Prophet Musa, The Prophet Khidr aces, giving advice, "O Musa, do not talk too much, and do not go without the need, and do a lot of laughs, also do not laugh at people who do wrong, and tangisilah sins which ye have done, O son of 'Ali' Imran .. " (Tanbighul Ghafilin: 192-193).

Laughter, of course, is not something that is forbidden. Anyone can laugh while wanted. With a laugh show, that someone is in a state of delight. Even laughter can be the inspiration for a writer to create a book.

However, laughter in the sense of explosive noises because of a sense of love, let alone contain the element of amusement to insult someone, this will be another tale. Laughed the same way that commanded by the Prophet Khidr as inevitable.

Subhan Allah, not found in the teachings of Islam that govern outside the living system in such a way, until a small problem like a laugh.

GOD Almighty has said, "Then let them laugh little and weep much as a retaliation of what they were doing." (Surat At-Taubah 82). In one hadith the Prophet SAW said, "If you know what I know, you will be a little laugh .." (Narrated by Abu Dhar).

Prophet never laughed, except just smiled, did not look back except with a full face (not glance). (Narrated Ja'far Auf, Auf Mas'ud from Abdillah). Based on the above hadeeth, some scholars have argued that it is Sunnah smiling, laughing uproariously Makruh convicted.

So for those who still want to be healthy minds, should stay away from laughing in that way (laughing or explosive), said Al-Faqih, Abu Layth Samarqandi. In other words, people who can not control myself and love to laugh, will make their minds function is interrupted, the careless and forgot to self, which means opening the door for satan to the entry of temptation.

In a letter of An-Najm 59-61 GOD warned, "Do with this teaching, you ta'ajub (surprised)? You laugh and not cry. While you terlengah." Ibn Abbas said, "Whoever laughed at when disobeying Allaah, it will be streaming with tears in hell."

Excessive Laughter, was among three things that cause heart of a fool and become fossilized. While two other causes are: not hungry anymore and was fond of eating crap (talking back and forth is useless).

Sometimes we find someone who is busy making people laugh, so not only become the heart of entertainment but has led to make people become complacent and forget. To do this the Prophet warned, "Woe to those who lie in order to laugh at other people. Woe to him, woe to him!" (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

People who used to laugh to find a quiet atmosphere to be quiet, if not being treated. While according to Mu'adz Razy Yahya al-Faqih was quoted as saying there are four things that can be a cure for those affected by the "diseases" such as this, namely:

1. Will remember the sins that have been done so far.
2. Busy with work (to meet a living) for yourself and your family.
3. Remember that the age of the existing quota is low, and will come a new life in the Hereafter.
4. Pay attention to every misfortune that befall either themselves or others families.

Meanwhile, Salman Al-Pharisees quoted 'anhu once said: "There are three things that make me laugh:

1. I laugh at people with a long daydream world when death was chasing him.
2. People who are careless of death was never unmindful of it.
3. And those who laughed with open mouth full while she did not know whether the actions they contain the anger his Lord or his Rida.

Comment from Habibana Munzir Almusawa, "the article was true, laughed out loud extinguish the light hearted, but it's not an absolute prohibition, but very Makruh .. usually the Righteous loud laughter just do not for himself, but people who entertain a guest or who are sad , then the laughter was not for them but for encouraging Muslims who inconvenient, then it is glorious. "

Wallahua'lam ..

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