God So Close to the People Pray
It's been so long, want to hope to be realized. Some time kept waiting and waiting, but not the dream also came. Sometimes so desperate because it is often appealed to God. The attitude of a Muslim is to continue to pray because God is so close to people who pray. It may be terkabulnya prayer was delayed. Perhaps God also replace the earlier demand by others and surely Allah is the best choice.
Verse to contemplate is the word of Allah, the Exalted,
وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذا دعان فليستجيبوا لي وليؤمنوا بي لعلهم يرشدون
"And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I granted the request of people who pray when she pleaded to me. Then let them meet (my commandments) and let them believe in Me, so they always are in truth. "(Surat al-Baqara: 186)
Some friends of radi 'anhum said,
يا رسول الله ربنا قريب فنناجيه? أو بعيد فنناديه? فأنزل الله هذه الآية
"O Prophet of God, whether our Lord was near, so we speak quietly enough when our Lord was praying or far away that we menyerunya out loud?" Then Allah the Exalted by Allah above. (Majmu 'al-Fataawa, 35/370)
Abul Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah may Allaah have mercy saying, "The closeness of this paragraph is the closeness of God in people who pray (closeness special nature)." (Majmu 'al-Fataawa, 5 / 247)
Please note that the closeness of God that there are two kinds:
General closeness with God that His knowledge, this applies to every creature.
Special closeness to God that his servant and a Muslim who prays to Him, that God will mengijabahi (grant) do'anya, help him and give him taufik. (Taisir Al Karimir Rahman, p.. 87)
The closeness of God in people who pray are the special closeness that is second-in-kind (not the proximity of a general nature in each person). God is so close to people who pray and who pray to Him. As mentioned in the hadeeth also that the closest place between a servant with God was when he fell down. (Majmu 'al-Fataawa, 15/17)
Anyone who prays to God to bring the heart when praying, using prayer in ma'tsur (dituntunkan), away from things that can hinder terkabulnya prayer (such as eating foods that are haram), then certainly God will mengijabahi do'anya. Especially if he did terkabulnya prayer causes subject to its commands and prohibitions of God with words and deeds, also accompanied by mengimaninya. (Taisir Al Karimir Rahman, p.. 87)
By knowing this person should not leave prayer to his Lord that is not likely to waste prayer of His servants. Understand that God is really so close to people who pray, that would be easy to grant the prayer of every servant. So it does not deserve a desperate servant of the Almighty God grant the promise of every prayer.
Remember also that prayer is the main reason for a person can achieve their dreams and hopes. So do not feel desperate in prayer. Ibn Qoyyim rahimahullah said, "Supplication is the strongest reason for someone to be safe from things that are not the main reason he likes and achieve something to be desired. However, the influence of prayer on every person is different. There is so weak that do'anya influential because of his own. Perhaps prayer is the prayer that God does not like because it exceeds the limit. It may be weak because the effect of those prayers servant heart is weak and does not represent his heart when praying. ... It may be also due to the barrier terkabulnya prayer within him like eating unclean food, the stain of sin in his heart, the liver is always negligent, lust a stirring and heart full of futility. "(Al Jawaabul Kaafi, p.. 21) . Remember the hadith of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
ليس شيء أكرم على الله تعالى من الدعاء
"There is nothing greater influence in the sight of Allah Ta'ala than prayer." (Narrated by Tirmidhi no. 3370, Ibn Majah no. 3829, Ahmad 2 / 362. Shaykh al-Albani said that this hadeeth is hasan). If you understand this, then use prayer to God as a weapon to achieve expectations.
Fully assured that God will turn down every pray. From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
ادعوا الله وأنتم موقنون بالإجابة واعلموا أن الله لا يستجيب دعاء من قلب غافل لاه
"Pray to God in certain circumstances be granted, and know that God does not grant the prayer of the heart that fails." (Narrated by Tirmidhi no. 3479. Shaykh Al-Albani said that the hadeeth is hasan)
Then understand that there is some way of Allah turn down prayer. From Abu Sa'eed, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
«ما من مسلم يدعو بدعوة ليس فيها إثم ولا قطيعة رحم إلا أعطاه الله بها إحدى ثلاث إما أن تعجل له دعوته وإما أن يدخرها له فى الآخرة وإما أن يصرف عنه من السوء مثلها». قالوا إذا نكثر. قال «الله أكثر»
"It is not a Muslim to say a prayer to God for sin and decided not contain Hospitality (among relatives, pen), but God will give him three things: [1] Allah will soon grant do'anya, [2] God will keep him at Hereafter, and [3] God will keep him that such ugliness. "The friend then said," Then we will multiply the prayer. "Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then said," God will grant the prayers that reproduce -do 'a you. "(Narrated by Ahmad 3 / 18. Syu'aib Sheikh Al Arnauth said that isnaad jayyid). It may be that God hears prayers delay. It may be also our desire to replace God in prayer with something that God thought better. Or God may also be changing with the reward of the Hereafter. So prayer is not wasted.
Remember that very soothing advice from the grandson of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Al-Hasan ibn 'Ali radi' anhuma said,
من اتكل على حسن اختيار الله له, لم يتمن شيئا. وهذا حد الوقوف على الرضى بما تصرف به القضاء
"Those who rely on God's good choice for him then he will not conjure up something (other than the circumstances that God chose for him). This restriction (attitude) is always pleased (to receive) all the provisions of destiny in all circumstances (the God) to pass off (for servants) "(See Siyaru A'laamin Nubalaa '3 / 262 and Al Bidaayah wan Nihaayah 8 / 39). Allah is the best choice.
Allaah waliyyut Taufiq.
Verse to contemplate is the word of Allah, the Exalted,
وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذا دعان فليستجيبوا لي وليؤمنوا بي لعلهم يرشدون
"And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I granted the request of people who pray when she pleaded to me. Then let them meet (my commandments) and let them believe in Me, so they always are in truth. "(Surat al-Baqara: 186)
Some friends of radi 'anhum said,
يا رسول الله ربنا قريب فنناجيه? أو بعيد فنناديه? فأنزل الله هذه الآية
"O Prophet of God, whether our Lord was near, so we speak quietly enough when our Lord was praying or far away that we menyerunya out loud?" Then Allah the Exalted by Allah above. (Majmu 'al-Fataawa, 35/370)
Abul Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah may Allaah have mercy saying, "The closeness of this paragraph is the closeness of God in people who pray (closeness special nature)." (Majmu 'al-Fataawa, 5 / 247)
Please note that the closeness of God that there are two kinds:
General closeness with God that His knowledge, this applies to every creature.
Special closeness to God that his servant and a Muslim who prays to Him, that God will mengijabahi (grant) do'anya, help him and give him taufik. (Taisir Al Karimir Rahman, p.. 87)
The closeness of God in people who pray are the special closeness that is second-in-kind (not the proximity of a general nature in each person). God is so close to people who pray and who pray to Him. As mentioned in the hadeeth also that the closest place between a servant with God was when he fell down. (Majmu 'al-Fataawa, 15/17)
Anyone who prays to God to bring the heart when praying, using prayer in ma'tsur (dituntunkan), away from things that can hinder terkabulnya prayer (such as eating foods that are haram), then certainly God will mengijabahi do'anya. Especially if he did terkabulnya prayer causes subject to its commands and prohibitions of God with words and deeds, also accompanied by mengimaninya. (Taisir Al Karimir Rahman, p.. 87)
By knowing this person should not leave prayer to his Lord that is not likely to waste prayer of His servants. Understand that God is really so close to people who pray, that would be easy to grant the prayer of every servant. So it does not deserve a desperate servant of the Almighty God grant the promise of every prayer.
Remember also that prayer is the main reason for a person can achieve their dreams and hopes. So do not feel desperate in prayer. Ibn Qoyyim rahimahullah said, "Supplication is the strongest reason for someone to be safe from things that are not the main reason he likes and achieve something to be desired. However, the influence of prayer on every person is different. There is so weak that do'anya influential because of his own. Perhaps prayer is the prayer that God does not like because it exceeds the limit. It may be weak because the effect of those prayers servant heart is weak and does not represent his heart when praying. ... It may be also due to the barrier terkabulnya prayer within him like eating unclean food, the stain of sin in his heart, the liver is always negligent, lust a stirring and heart full of futility. "(Al Jawaabul Kaafi, p.. 21) . Remember the hadith of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
ليس شيء أكرم على الله تعالى من الدعاء
"There is nothing greater influence in the sight of Allah Ta'ala than prayer." (Narrated by Tirmidhi no. 3370, Ibn Majah no. 3829, Ahmad 2 / 362. Shaykh al-Albani said that this hadeeth is hasan). If you understand this, then use prayer to God as a weapon to achieve expectations.
Fully assured that God will turn down every pray. From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
ادعوا الله وأنتم موقنون بالإجابة واعلموا أن الله لا يستجيب دعاء من قلب غافل لاه
"Pray to God in certain circumstances be granted, and know that God does not grant the prayer of the heart that fails." (Narrated by Tirmidhi no. 3479. Shaykh Al-Albani said that the hadeeth is hasan)
Then understand that there is some way of Allah turn down prayer. From Abu Sa'eed, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
«ما من مسلم يدعو بدعوة ليس فيها إثم ولا قطيعة رحم إلا أعطاه الله بها إحدى ثلاث إما أن تعجل له دعوته وإما أن يدخرها له فى الآخرة وإما أن يصرف عنه من السوء مثلها». قالوا إذا نكثر. قال «الله أكثر»
"It is not a Muslim to say a prayer to God for sin and decided not contain Hospitality (among relatives, pen), but God will give him three things: [1] Allah will soon grant do'anya, [2] God will keep him at Hereafter, and [3] God will keep him that such ugliness. "The friend then said," Then we will multiply the prayer. "Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then said," God will grant the prayers that reproduce -do 'a you. "(Narrated by Ahmad 3 / 18. Syu'aib Sheikh Al Arnauth said that isnaad jayyid). It may be that God hears prayers delay. It may be also our desire to replace God in prayer with something that God thought better. Or God may also be changing with the reward of the Hereafter. So prayer is not wasted.
Remember that very soothing advice from the grandson of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Al-Hasan ibn 'Ali radi' anhuma said,
من اتكل على حسن اختيار الله له, لم يتمن شيئا. وهذا حد الوقوف على الرضى بما تصرف به القضاء
"Those who rely on God's good choice for him then he will not conjure up something (other than the circumstances that God chose for him). This restriction (attitude) is always pleased (to receive) all the provisions of destiny in all circumstances (the God) to pass off (for servants) "(See Siyaru A'laamin Nubalaa '3 / 262 and Al Bidaayah wan Nihaayah 8 / 39). Allah is the best choice.
Allaah waliyyut Taufiq.
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