Sunday, May 29, 2011

People who have never heard of Islam, What is Pagan?

Many Muslims are confused about the question of this kind. Not infrequently also departing from these questions and doubts of Islamic justice and eventually assume all true religion. And suppose they were a bit trying to learn Islam properly, they will find the scholars we have explained at length answers to such questions. Here we quote a good explanation of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdillah Al Wuhaibi in his book, Faith Nawaqidhul Wa Dhawabitut takfir 'Indas Salaf (1 / 294):

Differences of opinion on this issue is about law in the afterlife, not the law in the world. None of the scholars who say that people who have never heard of Islam are Muslims, or those imposed on Muslims in the world of law. Therefore, there is not a difference of opinion about the law in the world. Al Imam Ibn Qayyim Rahimahullah said: "Compulsory for everyone to believe that every human being who had no religion with the religion of Islam is kafir. But must also believe that Allah Ta'ala (in the Hereafter) would not mengadzab people who have not submitted hujjah. It's in general. As specifically as an individual, only God knows. This is all related to the reward and punishment in the hereafter. While the law in the world, is applied on the basis of what appears. Therefore, small children and those crazy pagans who disbelieve, the world's law applied to those who disbelieve "(Thariqul Hijratain, 384).

Discussion about the fate of people who have never heard of Islam in the afterlife, is a much-discussed problems ijtihadiyah scholars. But this discussion does not include Ushuluddin (principal religion) and not a 'consensus. It is therefore not discussed in the most famous books of Aqeedah. There are some opinions of scholars in this issue:

The first opinion: People who die in a state have never heard of Islam, go to heaven

As Suyuti Rahimahullah said: "The priests Ash 'ariyah which includes Ahl Ahl-ul-kalam and usul, and Shafi madhhab jurists scholars argue that people who die in the state had never heard of Islam, he went to heaven" (Al Haawi Lil Fataawa, 2 / 202). Some scholars have also argued that young children go to heaven idolaters, as the opinion of Ibn Hazm, he said: "The majority of scholars have argued that young children go to heaven idolaters, and I also think so" (Al Fashl, 4 / 73) . Also Imam An Nawawi (Syarh Saheeh Muslim, 16/208), Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani also said that this opinion is the choice of al-Bukhari (Fath Baari, 3 / 246), as well as Imam al-Qurtubi (At Tadzkirah, 612) and Imam Ibn al-Jawzi (Majmu 'Syaikhil Islamic Fataawa, 24/372).

Second opinion: People who die in a state have never heard of Islam, go to hell

Rahimahullah Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: "This is the opinion of a number of Ahl-ul-kalam scholars, clerics commentators, also one of the opinions of the students of Imam Ahmad. Al-Qadi brought the history of Imam Ahmad about this, but have been denied by our teacher (Shaykh al-Islam) "(Thariqul Hijratain, 362). This opinion is also taken by some disciples of Abu Hanifah (Jam'ul Jawami 'Imam As Subki, 1 / 62).

Third Opinion: Tawaqquf (Abstain), and expressed their fate up to God's will

It is the opinion of Al Hamidain, Ibn al-Mubarak, Ibn Ishaq Rahawaih. Ibn Abdil Barr said: "Their fate depends on the decision of Al Malik, and in this case there are no texts that explain, unless the history of the friends who asserted that Muslim children will go to heaven and unbelievers young children depends on God's decision "(At Tamhid, 18/111-112).

The fourth opinion: They will be tested in front of the gates of hell

God ordered them to enter it. If they obey, they will feel the cold and they survived. But who are reluctant to go, he is disobedient to Allaah and put into hell.

This opinion is the opinion of the majority of the ulama salaf, as presented by Abul Hasan al-Ash'ari (Al Ibanah, 33). This opinion is chosen by Muhammad bin Nasir Al Marwazi, al-Bayhaqi, Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and his disciples, Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyah, and Ibn Kathir. Shaykh al-Islam said: "People who have not upheld hujjah him, like little children, the insane, the People fathrah, nasih them as contained in the banya atsar, ie they will be tested on the day qiamat. Anything sent to instruct them in obedience. If they obey, they were given paradise. If they are reluctant to obey, given the hell. " Imam Ibn Qayyim after explaining differences in opinions and their arguments, he said: "The opinion of the eighth, they argue that small Naka Naka-pagans will be tested on a plateau on the Day of Resurrection. Each person sent the Apostle (messenger). People who obey the messenger, will be fed heaven. Who disobey will go to hell. In other words, they have a good sebagain go to heaven and there are some who go to hell. This opinion that includes the arguments that exist, and supported by many hadith "(Thariqul Hijratain, 369). Then Ibn Qayyim describes the arguments that support this opinion, then said: "The hadiths are mutually reinforcing. Also strengthened with the usul and the rule of sharia. And the opinion that in accordance with these hadiths is the school of salafush Salih, as quoted by Al 'Ash'ari Rahimahullah "(Thariqul Hijratain, 371)

Al Hafidz Ibn Kathir Rahimahullah said: "The scholars past and present scholars disagree about a child who died in a state of heathen, how his status? Likewise lunatic, the deaf, senile old man and the People fatrah who had never heard preaching, there are several hadith that discuss their status. With inaayah and Taufiq God, I will present to you ". Then he explained the hadiths, and explains that there are opinions, and choose an opinion stating that they will be tested later in the day of Judgement. He said: "The opinion is that includes all the existing arguments. And the hadiths which I have mentioned also confirm and reinforce each other "(Tafsir Ibni Katheer, 3 / 30).

Shaykh Muhammad al-Amin ash Syinqithi, after stating chose this opinion, he said: "Scholars agree that while it was still possible, obligatory to incorporate the arguments there. Because the practice of two main arguments more than charitable with one of the main course. And there are no opinions that could include all arguments except for this opinion, that they will be given udzur then tested "(Adhwa'ul Bayan, 3 / 440)

Important proposition underlying this opinion there are 2 kinds:

1. Theorem Qur'an

The scholars who hold the latter opinion as evidence the generality revelations about the lack of punishment before submission hujjah. For example the word of Allah, the Exalted:

كلما ألقي فيها فوج سألهم خزنتها ألم يأتكم نذير. قالوا بلى قد جاءنا نذير فكذبنا

"Every time a collection of thrown into it (infidels), guards (hell) asked them:" Do not ever come to you (the world) a warner? They replied: "Right there", actually came to us a warner, and we reject (it) "(Surat al-Mulk: 8-9)

Also the word of Allah, the Exalted:

وما كنا معذبين حتى نبعث رسولا

"Truly We will not mengadzab before sent an apostle" (Surat al-Isra: 15)

And other verses which indicate the existence of the People udzur fatrah, because the messenger who gave the warning has not come to them (Theorem Qur'an others please see Adhwa'ul Bayan, 3/429-433). Sheikh Abdurrahman As Sa'di rahimahullah interpret this verse: "Allah Ta'ala Maha Adil. God will not mengadzab someone, unless that person has been upheld hujjah him and he opposed. Meanwhile, people who have not submitted hujjah, then he will not diadzab. This verse is a proof that the Ahlul Fatrah and small children will not disbelieve diadzab by God, until a messenger came to them. Because God is not possible wrongdoer "(Tafseer As Sa'di, 4 / 266)

2. Theorem Hadith

The scholars who hold this opinion as evidence the hadiths which strongly indicates that people who have never delivered hujjah will be tested later in the day of Judgement. The most famous hadith in this regard is the hadeeth narrated by al-Aswad ibn Sari ', that NabiShallallahu'alaihi blessings and peace:

يكون يوم القيامة رجل أصم لا يسمع شيئا, ورجل أحمق, ورجل هرم ورجل مات في فترة فأما الأصم فيقول: رب لقد جاء الإسلام وما أسمع شيئا, وأما الأحمق فيقول: رب لقد جاء الإسلام والصبيان يحذفونني بالبعر, وأما الهرم فيقول: رب لقد جاء الإسلام وما أعقل شيئا, وأما الذي مات في الفترة فيقول: رب ما أتاني لك رسول, فيأخذ مواثيقهم ليطيعنه, فيرسل إليهم أن ادخلوا النار, قال: فوالذي نفس محمد بيده لو دخلوها لكانت عليهم بردا وسلاما

"On the Day of Resurrection, no one is deaf, did not hear anything, someone who's an idiot, there is a senile man, who died there during fatrah. People who are deaf said: 'O Lord, when Islam came when I was deaf, had not heard of Islam at all'. People are idiots say: 'O Lord, when Islam came, then bad boys are into it I was in the well'. Senile people who say: 'O Lord, when Islam came to mind I'm lost'. People who die during fatrah say: 'Oh Lord, no Messenger came to take me to Islam'. Then examined the tendency of their hearts in obedience. Sent envoys to instruct them go to hell. The Prophet said: 'By Allah, if they enter into it, they will feel the cold and they get salvation' "(Narrated by Ahmad no. 16 344, Thabrani 2 / 79. In his Saheeh Al-Albani in Ash or higher pedigree no. 1434 )

There is also a hadith like that narrated from Abu Hurairah, but lafadz finally reads:

فمن دخلها كانت عليه بردا وسلاما, ومن لم يدخلها سحب إليها

"Among those who are obedient to enter hell will feel cold and eventually survived. While those who are reluctant to enter it will be dragged into it "(Narrated by Ahmad no. 16 345)

Opinion that this is an argument based on the hadith which includes the whole proposition, as excerpts from the priests. Shaykh al-Islam said: "With the explanation of this hadith, then tuntaslah debate in the form of talks at length to cause debate. Because those who argue that they all go to hell, there are texts that blame. And for those who argue that they all go to heaven, there are also texts that blame "(Dar'ut Ta'arudh, 8 / 401). Ash Shaykh Syinqithi Rahimahullah after selecting this opinion he said: "saheeh hadeeth from the Prophet in Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam. And keshahihan hadith is the solution of the debate. So there is no side that can be debated by the existence of this hadith "(Adhwa'ul Bayan, 3 / 438).

Some scholars argue this opinion, such as Ibn Abdil Barr, Al-Qurtubi and Al Hulaimi, in sum they say that the hadiths on this subject is not authentic, and this is contrary to the fundamental principle that hereafter no longer the place of humans tested (At Tadzkirah, 611-612 , At Tamhiid, 18/130).

But these objections were met with 2 points:
1. The hadiths about it saheeh and narrated from the point that a lot. We describe a little explanation.
2. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "Takliif (expense Shari'a) ends in the nature of retaliation, that is in hell or in heaven. While they are tested in the Hereafter page it as a question in nature barzakh. Namely they were asked: Who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your Prophet? And Allah Ta'ala says:

يوم يكشف عن ساق ويدعون إلى السجود فلا يستطيعون خاشعة أبصارهم ترهقهم ذلة وقد كانوا يدعون إلى السجود وهم سالمون

"On the day of the calf revealed and they were called to prostrate, so they are not authorized. (In state) view of their subject down, again they were overwhelmed with humiliation. And indeed they once were (in the world) called to prostrate, and they are in a state of prosperity. "(Qur'an Pen: 42-43)

At Thibbi said: "Do not establish that the natural world and the Hereafter is a test of natural retaliation. Since there is no such specialization. The proof is in the grave, which is the gateway to the afterlife, there are exams and there are difficulties with the question "(Fath Baari, 11/451). Ibn al-Qayyim also make a brief review of denied these objections, he said: "If anyone says that the hereafter is the nature of retaliation is no longer the nature of loading, then how can they be tested in the afterlife? The answer, pembenanan stopped if already entered the Dar qarar (heaven and hell). While in barzakh and in the Hereafter page, loading has not stopped. This can be understood easily even without a review, in the presence of angels in nature barzakh question and this is takliif (loading). Meanwhile, in the pages hereafter, Allah Ta'ala says:

يوم يكشف عن ساق ويدعون إلى السجود فلا يستطيعون

And this is obvious. Because Allaah commanded His creatures to kneel on the Day of Resurrection and infidels later when it was prevented by God and is unable to prostrate "(Thariqul Hijratain, 373).

And the hadiths are many mentions of the existence of loading on the Day of Judgement, as in the hadiths mentioned by Ibn al-Qayyim and Ibn Kathir, and other scholars.

[Up to here quote from the Book of Faith Wa Nawaqidhul Dhawabitut takfir 'Indas Salaf (1 / 294)]

In conclusion, in the world they are still regarded as infidels. If death is not bathed, not dishalatkan and should not be buried in the cemetery of the Muslims. But about their fate in the Hereafter, the most powerful opinion, they will be tested. If you can pass these exams they will go to heaven, if not will go to hell. As already described above. Allahu'alam.

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