Gratitude in When Achieved Success
In time the dream has not materialized, we are always a lot of begging and continued to be patient waiting for him. But at a time when dreams of success achieved, sometimes we even forget the mainland and forget the ones above that have been providing a variety of pleasures. Therefore, what tips when we have achieved the results we desire? That's what little we peeled in this simple article.
Acknowledge Each His favors Derived from
This is what must be recognized by every person who gets pleasure. Pleasure is all that is desired and sought after. This delicious it must be admitted that everything comes from Allah Almighty and do not apply arrogant
by saying this comes from its efforts, or he does deserve it. Let us ponder the word of Allah, the Exalted,
لا يسأم الإنسان من دعاء الخير وإن مسه الشر فيئوس قنوط
"People are not tired of begging the good, and if they are overwritten havoc she became desperate again hopeless." (Surat Fushshilat: 49). Or in another verse,
وإذا أنعمنا على الإنسان أعرض ونأى بجانبه وإذا مسه الشر فذو دعاء عريض
"And when we give pleasure to men, he turned away and away, but when he was stricken catastrophe, then he prayed a lot." (Surat Fushshilat: 51)
This is human nature, which always impatient if overwritten goodness or badness. He will always pray to God to be given riches, wealth, progeny, and this other world that he was looking for. He could not feel satisfied with less. Or if it has been given a more even, he would always add more. When he was stricken catastrophe (sickness and poverty), he was desperate. But look at what if he gets good after that? What if he was given the wealth and health after that? He was unaware of gratitude to God, he even exceeded the limit to claim all the blessings (health and wealth) was obtained because he deserved to get it. This is what is hinted at in the word of Allah, the Exalted,
ولئن أذقناه رحمة منا من بعد ضراء مسته ليقولن هذا لي
"And if we feel him something a mercy from Us after distress touched him, he must have said:" This is my own. "(Surat Fushshilat: 50)
The nature of the faithful, of course if he was given a blessing and success that he desire, he was grateful to Allah. Even he was afraid this was istidroj (trials that will make it more soluble in the vices which he lunge). Whereas if I was bad happens to the property and its offspring, he was patient and hope that the gift of God to escape from trouble and he did not despair. [1]
Say "Tahmid"
Here's the next realization of which is revealing delicious thanksgiving with greeting tahmid (thank God) through the oral. This is something that was ordered as the word of Allah, the Exalted,
وأما بنعمة ربك فحدث
"And to the favor of your Lord, so shall ye mention (with gratitude)." (Surat ADH Dhuha: 11)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:
التحدث بنعمة الله شكر, وتركها كفر
"Talk about God's favor, including gratitude, while the left is an act of Kufr." (Narrated by Ahmad, 4 / 278. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadith as hasan in Saheeh al-Jaami 'no. 3014).
See also how to achieve the dream of the Prophet Ibrahim when he obtained the child's age. When the dream is achieved, he also reproduce thanks to God as he prayed at the time,
الحمد لله الذي وهب لي على الكبر إسماعيل وإسحاق إن ربي لسميع الدعاء
"Praise be to Allah who has bestowed to me in the old days (I), Ismail and Ishaq. Indeed, my Lord, totally Hearer (allow) the prayer. "(Surah Ibrahim: 39).
Ulama salaf when they feel the blessings of God in the form of health and other services, then they asked, "How you feeling this morning?" They'd say, "Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah)." [2]
Therefore, let someone praises God with tahmid (thank God) for the blessings given them. He mentioned this because there was indeed a pleasure and not because they want to maslahat pride or arrogance. If he even do it with pride, then this is a reprehensible thing. [3]
Utilizing the Charitable Obedience Delicious
The name of gratitude not only stop at two things over which recognize the favors of God in our hearts and in verbal mention, but let this one coupled with the pleasure it should be exploited in ketaaatan to God and away from the sinners.
Examples are if God gave favors two eyes. Let these delicious and mentadaburi used to read the Qur'an, should not be used to search for other people and distributed disgrace in the midst of the Muslims. So was delicious both ears. Let the favor is being used to listen to chant the holy verses, not to be used to hear the chant is in vain. Similarly, if one is given the health agency, he must use it to keep the five daily prayers, instead of leaving him. So, if it favors obtained by a servant instead utilized for the sinners, then this is not stated as a thanksgiving.
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Katheer said, as the inhabitants of Hijaz said, Abu Hazim said,
كل نعمة لا تقرب من الله عز وجل, فهي بلية.
"Every blessing that is not used to get closer to God, it's just unfortunate." [4]
Mukhollad bin Al-Hussain said,
الشكر ترك المعاصي
"Gratitude is to leave the sinners are." [5]
In essence, someone named grateful when he meets three pillars of gratitude: [1] recognize the favors of the inner (heart), [2] discuss these favors are zhohir (in oral), and [3] to use these blessings to the places God blessed (with members of the body).
Abul 'Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah said,
وأن الشكر يكون بالقلب واللسان والجوارح
"Gratitude should be served by recognizing the good in heart, in oral and using it in favor of limbs." [6]
Acknowledge Each His favors Derived from
This is what must be recognized by every person who gets pleasure. Pleasure is all that is desired and sought after. This delicious it must be admitted that everything comes from Allah Almighty and do not apply arrogant
by saying this comes from its efforts, or he does deserve it. Let us ponder the word of Allah, the Exalted,
لا يسأم الإنسان من دعاء الخير وإن مسه الشر فيئوس قنوط
"People are not tired of begging the good, and if they are overwritten havoc she became desperate again hopeless." (Surat Fushshilat: 49). Or in another verse,
وإذا أنعمنا على الإنسان أعرض ونأى بجانبه وإذا مسه الشر فذو دعاء عريض
"And when we give pleasure to men, he turned away and away, but when he was stricken catastrophe, then he prayed a lot." (Surat Fushshilat: 51)
This is human nature, which always impatient if overwritten goodness or badness. He will always pray to God to be given riches, wealth, progeny, and this other world that he was looking for. He could not feel satisfied with less. Or if it has been given a more even, he would always add more. When he was stricken catastrophe (sickness and poverty), he was desperate. But look at what if he gets good after that? What if he was given the wealth and health after that? He was unaware of gratitude to God, he even exceeded the limit to claim all the blessings (health and wealth) was obtained because he deserved to get it. This is what is hinted at in the word of Allah, the Exalted,
ولئن أذقناه رحمة منا من بعد ضراء مسته ليقولن هذا لي
"And if we feel him something a mercy from Us after distress touched him, he must have said:" This is my own. "(Surat Fushshilat: 50)
The nature of the faithful, of course if he was given a blessing and success that he desire, he was grateful to Allah. Even he was afraid this was istidroj (trials that will make it more soluble in the vices which he lunge). Whereas if I was bad happens to the property and its offspring, he was patient and hope that the gift of God to escape from trouble and he did not despair. [1]
Say "Tahmid"
Here's the next realization of which is revealing delicious thanksgiving with greeting tahmid (thank God) through the oral. This is something that was ordered as the word of Allah, the Exalted,
وأما بنعمة ربك فحدث
"And to the favor of your Lord, so shall ye mention (with gratitude)." (Surat ADH Dhuha: 11)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:
التحدث بنعمة الله شكر, وتركها كفر
"Talk about God's favor, including gratitude, while the left is an act of Kufr." (Narrated by Ahmad, 4 / 278. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadith as hasan in Saheeh al-Jaami 'no. 3014).
See also how to achieve the dream of the Prophet Ibrahim when he obtained the child's age. When the dream is achieved, he also reproduce thanks to God as he prayed at the time,
الحمد لله الذي وهب لي على الكبر إسماعيل وإسحاق إن ربي لسميع الدعاء
"Praise be to Allah who has bestowed to me in the old days (I), Ismail and Ishaq. Indeed, my Lord, totally Hearer (allow) the prayer. "(Surah Ibrahim: 39).
Ulama salaf when they feel the blessings of God in the form of health and other services, then they asked, "How you feeling this morning?" They'd say, "Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah)." [2]
Therefore, let someone praises God with tahmid (thank God) for the blessings given them. He mentioned this because there was indeed a pleasure and not because they want to maslahat pride or arrogance. If he even do it with pride, then this is a reprehensible thing. [3]
Utilizing the Charitable Obedience Delicious
The name of gratitude not only stop at two things over which recognize the favors of God in our hearts and in verbal mention, but let this one coupled with the pleasure it should be exploited in ketaaatan to God and away from the sinners.
Examples are if God gave favors two eyes. Let these delicious and mentadaburi used to read the Qur'an, should not be used to search for other people and distributed disgrace in the midst of the Muslims. So was delicious both ears. Let the favor is being used to listen to chant the holy verses, not to be used to hear the chant is in vain. Similarly, if one is given the health agency, he must use it to keep the five daily prayers, instead of leaving him. So, if it favors obtained by a servant instead utilized for the sinners, then this is not stated as a thanksgiving.
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Katheer said, as the inhabitants of Hijaz said, Abu Hazim said,
كل نعمة لا تقرب من الله عز وجل, فهي بلية.
"Every blessing that is not used to get closer to God, it's just unfortunate." [4]
Mukhollad bin Al-Hussain said,
الشكر ترك المعاصي
"Gratitude is to leave the sinners are." [5]
In essence, someone named grateful when he meets three pillars of gratitude: [1] recognize the favors of the inner (heart), [2] discuss these favors are zhohir (in oral), and [3] to use these blessings to the places God blessed (with members of the body).
Abul 'Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah said,
وأن الشكر يكون بالقلب واللسان والجوارح
"Gratitude should be served by recognizing the good in heart, in oral and using it in favor of limbs." [6]
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