Monday, August 2, 2010

How I Could Ikhlas in each of Charity?

Know the devil will always tempting men to ruin shalihnya charity. Thus, a believer will always strive with his enemy, the devil until he met his Lord on the faith in Him and sincerity in each charity is doing. Among the factors that can encourage someone to apply voluntarily are as follows,

Hidayah was in the hands of God and the hearts of His servants are in between two fingers of God, He flipped balikkannya according to His will. Therefore, seek refuge in Him, His substance is in the hands of the guidance was, tampakkanlah urination and kefakiranmu Him. always ask Him that He may give grace to you. Du'a is often being said by Umar Ibn Khattab radhiallahu 'anhu is the following prayer,

اللهم اجعل عملي كلها صالحا, واجعله لوجهك خالصا, و لا تجعل لأحد فيه شيئا

"O Allah, make the whole amalku as salih charity, because hope Ikhlas Thy face, and be not made within amalku part to anyone."

* Hiding Charity

Hidden-Amal on the condition it is worth hidden-charitable, more worthy of welcome in his side and it is a strong indication that the charity is done with sincerity.

A devoted an honest happy hid his kindness as he likes, if not overt ugliness. This is as stated by the Prophet 'alayhi wa sallam,

سبعة يظلهم الله فى ظله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله الإمام العادل, وشاب نشأ فى عبادة ربه, ورجل قلبه معلق فى المساجد, ورجلان تحابا فى الله اجتمعا عليه وتفرقا عليه, ورجل طلبته امرأة ذات منصب وجمال فقال إنى أخاف الله. ورجل تصدق أخفى حتى لا تعلم شماله ما تنفق يمينه, ورجل ذكر الله خاليا ففاضت عيناه

"There are seven groups that will be shaded by Allah ta'ala in His shade on the day when there is no shade except His shade. they are a leader who is fair, a young man who grew up in obedience to God, a man whose heart is always wrapped up with the mosque where two people love each other because of God, they got together and parted in the love of Him, a man who was invited (do profanity) by a beautiful woman, but the man says, "Truly I fear Allah"; a man who was charitable and then she hid it so that his left hand does not know aa has * given by his right hand, a man who remembers Allah in a state of quiet and tears. "(Agreed 'alayhi).

Bishr Ibn al-Harith said, "Thou shalt not do good to remember. Hide the good as you hide the ugliness.

Prayers nafilah who worked at night more than the main sunna prayer at noon, so beristighfar at the dawn of time than it took in others, because at the time was a better time to hide and mengikhlaskan support the charity. "

* Seeing Amal Salih person who belongs on you

Do you pay attention to practice with his contemporaries, namely those located in your bottom in terms of doing good. Notice and make the prophets and righteous people earlier as your role model. Allah ta'ala says,

أولئك الذين هدى الله فبهداهم اقتده قل لا أسألكم عليه أجرا إن هو إلا ذكرى للعالمين (90)

"They's the people who have been given instructions by God, then follow their instructions. Say: "I did not ask for wages in conveying to you (the Quran). Al-Quran is no more than a warning to all people. "(Al An'am: 90).

Read biographies of the scholars, religious scholars, and zuhhad (people who ascetic), because it is better able to increase faith in the heart.

* Underestimate Charity

Illnesses that often hit the servant is pleased (satisfied) with him. Everyone who sees himself with the view of pleasure, then it will destroy it. Each person will ujub charity that has been earned, and hence very little accompanying amalannya sincerity, or even none at all sincerity in deeds, and may have done good deeds of no value.

Jubayr ibn Sa'id said, "One can go to heaven because of his sin, and one can go to hell thanks to the kindness. Then someone asks, "How can it happen?" Sa'id replied, "He was working on her vices but always fear God's punishment for the sin he has done, so when they meet God, He was pardoned because of his fear to God. Another man who was doing good, but he always ujub (proudly) to charity, so when they meet God, he was inserted into the Fire of God. "

* Charity No Worries Accepted

Suppose that the trivial every good deeds you have done. If you have to do it, tanamkanlah fear, worry if the charity is not acceptable. Among the prayers that are being said of the Salaf is,

اللهم إنا نسألك العمل الصالح و حفظه

"O Allah, we beg Thee righteous deeds and constantly maintained."

Among the forms of good deeds is charity keterpeliharaan is not accompanied by a sense of charity ujub and proud of it, but it is maintained by the good deeds of fear in a charity that has done that is not necessarily accepted by Him. Allah ta'ala says,

ولا تكونوا كالتي نقضت غزلها من بعد قوة أنكاثا تتخذون أيمانكم دخلا بينكم أن تكون أمة هي أربى من أمة إنما يبلوكم الله به وليبينن لكم يوم القيامة ما كنتم فيه تختلفون (92)

"And be not like a woman who describes a yarn that has been spun with great force, to be dispersed again, you make an oath (covenant) mu as a tool amongst fraudsters, due to the presence of one section being more numerous than the other groups. Indeed, Allah only tests you with it. and Lo on the day of His Resurrection will be explained to you what ye differences. "(An Nahl: 92).

Ibn Kathir says, ["They perform charity, but their hearts are frightened and worried, that their deeds are not accepted in his side. They were afraid because the (realized) they do not fulfill the terms completely. Imam Ahmad and Tirmidhi has narrated hadith from Umm Faithful, 'Aisha radhiallahu' anhu. He asked the Messenger of Allah, "O Allah's Apostle, concerning paragraph,

والذين يؤتون ما آتوا وقلوبهم وجلة أنهم إلى ربهم راجعون (60)

"And those who give what they give, with hearts that fear, (because they know that) Surely they would return to their Lord." (Al Mukminun: 60).

Are they mentioned in that paragraph are the people who commit an act of theft, adultery, and drinking The wine, because they fear Allah (the vices that have been doing)? The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied, "No, O daughter of ash Shiddiq. However, they are people who pay the obligatory prayer, fasting, and alms, but they are worried if the practice is not accepted by Him." Sincerity requires mujadahah (struggle) is performed before, when, and after doing a good deed.]

* Not Affected the Practice of Human Words Already Done

A Source of strength given by the Almighty is not affected by human praise when they praise him for his kindness he had done. When he was working on obedience, then the praise that was brought up by humans will only add ketawadhu'an and fear Allah. He believes that human compliment to him was a slander him, so he prayed to the Almighty to save him from such slander. He knows that only Allah, praise Him who taunts his useful and capable memudharatkan mere servant.

He put a man like a tomb occupants who are unable to provide benefits to themselves and are unable to resist the danger of the herself. Ibn Jauzi said,

أن ترك النظر إلى الخلق و محو الجاه من قلوبهم بالعمل و إخلاص القصد و ستر الحال هو الذي رفع من رفع

["Leaving the attention of the creature and not looking for positions in their hearts with righteous deeds, mengikhlaskan intent, and hid the charity is a factor that is able to ennoble the noble people."] [1]

* Aware that Man is not the owner of Heaven and Hell

If I know the man who became the driving factor for riya will stand with him in the wilderness Mahsyar in a state of fear and naked, he would know that turning to their intentions when the charity will not be able to alleviate the difficulties they experienced in the fields Mahsyar. Even they will experience the same cramped with him.

If you already know about it, surely you will know bahwamengikhlaskan charity is true, the practice should not be addressed unless the substances which have heaven and hell.

Therefore, a believer is not obliged to believe that human beings have a surge so that they can put you into it. Likewise, they are not able to remove you from hell if you ask them to remove you. Even if all of mankind, from Adam to the last prophet, got together and stand behind you, they are not able to steer you into the surge even though a step. Hence, why you should riya in front of them, when they are unable to give anything to you?

Ibn Rajab said,

من صلى وصام وذكر الله يقصد بذلك عرض الدنيا فإنه لا خير له فيه بالكلية لأنه لاتقع في ذلك لصاحبه لما يترتب عليه من الإثم فيه ولا لغيره

"Anyone who is fasting, prayer, and remembrance of Allah for the sake of worldly goals, then it is not the good deeds for him at all. All of the charity is not beneficial to the perpetrator because of containing sin (showing off), and (of course, practice it) is not useful for others. "[2]

Then, you will not be able to obtain your desires of humans who become riya goals that you have to do, namely that they are praising you. Even they will denounce you, spread your evil-tenah amid them, and grew the hatred in their hearts to you. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

من يراء يراء الله به

"Whoever did riya, God will reveal the intention was rotten in the presence of men" (Narrated by Muslim).

This is due to people showing off. However, if you mengikhlaskan charity to Him, Allah will love you and creatures. Allah ta'ala says,

إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات سيجعل لهم الرحمن ودا (96)

"Those who believe and work righteousness, shall God Most Gracious [911] will be invested in the (heart) saying they feel the love (love)" (Maryam: 96).

* Remember you Alone in the Grave

The soul will feel calm by remembering the journey that will be gone through in the hereafter. If I believed that he would put into his own grave, with no one to accompany, and no benefit to themselves other than good deeds, and he believed that all human beings, will not be able to remove the bit, which suffered the punishment of the grave, then by Thus I would believe that no one could menyelematkannya mengkihlaskan charity but to the Creator alone. Ibn al-Qayyim said,

صدق التأهب للقاء الله من أنفع ما للعبد وأبلغه في حصول استقامته فإن من استعد للقاء الله انقطع قلبه عن الدنيا وما فيها ومطالبها

["Preparing the right to meet with God is one of the most useful and most powerful BGI keistiqamahan servants to realize the self. For every man who made preparations to meet with him, his heart will be disconnected from the world and everything in it."] [ 3]

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