Saturday, May 14, 2011

Faith In connection with the Rain

Praise be to Allah, the only Lord of the right to be worshiped. Blessings and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and those who follow them well until the end of time.

There are some things that faith must be believed to be a Muslim associated with rain, namely:

First: No one is able to rain but Allah, the Exalted.

Allah Ta'ala says:

ما يفتح الله للناس من رحمة فلا ممسك لها وما يمسك فلا مرسل له من بعده وهو العزيز الحكيم

"Anything that God bestowed to the human form of grace, then no one can help it, and what is held by God then no one is able to release it afterwards. He is the Mighty, the Wise. "(Surah Fathir: 2). Some scholars such as commentary writer Al Jalalain say that grace is meant here is rizki and rain. [1]

Al Qurtubi says that some scholars interpret the blessing in the verses above with rain or rizki. They say, "Rain or rizki which God brought on them, none of which can help it. If God keep her down, then no one could reduce the rain. "

There are also scholars who intend grace here with the coming of the apostle because the apostle is a mercy to mankind. There are also scholars who interpret grace with prayer, repentance, taufik and guidance. However, more precise, the meaning of grace here is that generally includes all what is meant by the scholars earlier. So the meaning of mercy is the rain, rizki, prayer, repentance, taufik and guidance. [2]

Second: the revelation of rain including key science GHOIB and only God knows when the decline

Allah Ta'ala says:

إن الله عنده علم الساعة وينزل الغيث ويعلم ما في الأرحام وما تدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت إن الله عليم خبير

"Verily Allah, only on his side alone knowledge of the Hour: and He it is Who sends down water, and find out what is in the womb. And no one could know (with certainty) what will be earned tomorrow. And no one on earth who can know where he would die. Allah is Knower, Aware. "(Surah Luqman: 34)

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:

مفتاح الغيب خمس لا يعلمها إلا الله لا يعلم أحد ما يكون فى غد, ولا يعلم أحد ما يكون فى الأرحام, ولا تعلم نفس ماذا تكسب غدا, وما تدرى نفس بأى أرض تموت, وما يدرى أحد متى يجىء المطر

"The key science GHOIB there are five, no one knows except Allah, the Exalted. [1] No one knows what happened the next day yangg. [2] No one knows what happens in the womb. [3] Not a single soul who knows what she is doing tomorrow. [4] Not a single soul who knew where he would die. [5] No one knows when the rain. "[3]

Here are five things called mafatihul GHOIB (key science GHOIB). And among the key science GHOIB is the revelation of rain.

Qotadah said, "No one knows when is the revelation of the rain, night or day." [4]

Third: There are angels in charge of lower rainfall

In Al Mu'jam Al Kabir, Imam Ath Thobroni narrates about the conversation Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the angel Gabriel, among others,

قلت: على أي شيء ميكائيل? قال: على النبات والقطر

"I (Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) asked," About whether Michael was assigned? He (ie Gabriel) replied, "He was assigned to take care of plants and rain."

Ibn Hajar in Fath Bari said that the chains of this hadith there is Muhammad ibn 'Abdirrahman bin Abi Laila. He has didho'ifkan (weakened) due to poor sap, but he was not abandoned. [5] Ibn Kathir says that this hadith ghorib from this side. [6]

Ibn Kathir explains: "Michael was assigned to look after the rain and the plants from various rizki created in nature. Michael has a few helpers. They carry out what he was told to them by Mikail on orders from God. They set the wind and clouds, as desired by the Lord the Exalted. As well we have riwayatkan that no one else drops of water falling from the sky but Mikail with other angels down in certain places on earth. "[7]

Fourth: The fall rain has been written in Lauhul Mahfuzh [8]

Any incident that happens on this earth has known, was recorded in Decrees Lauhul since 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth and has been destined by God. Included in this is the revelation of the rain, when they are incurred, which is derived, how its intensity and how the impact of these rains.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

كتب الله مقادير الخلائق قبل أن يخلق السموات والأرض بخمسين ألف سنة

"God has recorded the fate of each creature before 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth." [9]

He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:

إن أول ما خلق الله القلم فقال له اكتب. قال رب وماذا أكتب قال اكتب مقادير كل شىء حتى تقوم الساعة

"Surely God who first created was qolam. Then God says to him, 'Write'. Qolam said, "What would I write?" God said, 'Write down the various fate of everything that will happen until the Day of Judgement'. "[10]

In connection with making up those 'God over everything that will happen in His creation, God said,

فيها يفرق كل أمر حكيم

"On that night fully explained all the affairs of wisdom." (Surah Ad Dukhan: 4). The night is meant here is the night of Qadr Lailat as the opinion of the majority of scholars commentary. [11]

Ash Syaukani mentioned as issued by Muhammad ibn Nasr, Ibn Abi Hatim and Ibn Mundhir, that Ibn 'Abbas interprets the above verse, "On the night of Lailat qadar everything recorded in the Umm Book (which is on Lauhul Mahfuz) in the form rizki, death, life , rain, until the hajj is the pilgrimage and so and so will the so and so going on pilgrimage. "[12]

Fifth: Speech istighfar can cause rain

Allah Ta'ala says:

فقلت استغفروا ربكم إنه كان غفارا (10) يرسل السماء عليكم مدرارا (11) ويمددكم بأموال وبنين ويجعل لكم جنات ويجعل لكم أنهارا (12)

"So I say to them: 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord, surely He is Oft-Forgiving, He will send to you by the torrential rain, and multiply wealth and your children, and make for you gardens and held (also in it) for you the rivers. "(Surah Nuh: 10-12)

There is a atsar of Hasan al-Basri rahimahullah as follows.

أن رجلا شكى إليه الجدب فقال استغفر الله, وشكى إليه آخر الفقر فقال استغفر الله, وشكى إليه آخر جفاف بستانه فقال استغفر الله, وشكى إليه آخر عدم الولد فقال استغفر الله, ثم تلا عليهم هذه الآية

Surely someone complained to Al Hasan about the famine that occurred. Then Al Hasan advised, "Beristigfarlah (please ampunlah) to God."

Then other people complained again to him about his poverty. Then Al Hasan advised, "Beristigfarlah (please ampunlah) to God."

Then other people complained again to him about the dryness of the land (garden). Then Al Hasan advised, "Beristigfarlah (please ampunlah) to God."

Then other people complained again to him because until that time not yet had children. Then Al Hasan advised, "Beristigfarlah (please ampunlah) to God."

Then after that Al Hasan Al Basri read Noah's letter above. [13]

The purpose of Noah's letter above as stated by Ibn Kathir, "If you ask for forgiveness (beristigfar) to Allah and obey Him, surely you will get a lot rizki, will be given the blessing for rain from the sky, you also will be given the blessing of the land with ditumbuhkannya various plants, water dilimpahkannya milk, and will also dilapangkan wealth and children, that you will be given the children and descendants. In addition, God also will give you the gardens with a variety of fruit in the middle will flow rivers. "[14]

Sixth: The sound thunder is an angel who brings the fire

There are three terms for a flash of lightning and thunder that is ar ro'du, ash showa'iq and al barq. Ar ro'du is the term for the sound of lightning or thunder. While ash showa'iq and al barq is the term for a flash of lightning, the light that emerged a few moments before the sound of lightning. [15]

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said, "In the hadith marfoo '(to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, pen) at At-Tirmidhi narrated, and in others, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was asked about the ar ro'du, and then he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam replied,

ملك من الملائكة موكل بالسحاب معه مخاريق من نار يسوق بها السحاب حيث شاء الله

"Ar ro'du is the angel who was given the task of taking care of cloud and of fire with him pengoyak clouds move in accordance with the will of God." [16]

Mentioned in Makarimil Akhlaq-owned Al-ithi Khoro, 'Ali was asked about the ar ro'du. He replied, "Ar ro'du is an angel. He also asked about al barq. He replied, "Al barq (lightning strike), it is pengoyak in his hand." And in another narration from Ali as well, "Al barq it is pengoyak of iron in his hand". "

Then Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said again, "Ar ro'du is mashdar (dibendakan verb) derived from the word ro'ada, yar'udu, ro'dan (which means thunder, pen). ... His name is definitely movement noise. Angels are a moving (vibrating) cloud, and then move from one place to another. And every movement in nature both above (the sky, pen) or below (earth, pen) is of an angel. The human voice is produced from the movement of the lips, oral, teeth, tongue, and and throat. From there, man can exalt his Lord, may invite to good and forbid from kemungkaran. Therefore, ar ro'du (rumbling sound) is the voice that snapped the clouds. And al barq (lightning bolt) is the glint of water or a glint of light. ... "[17]

Seventh: The obligation of zakat are not fulfilled can inhibit rainfall

If a people who already have the obligation of zakat are reluctant to issue a charity issue, it could be a cause of obstruction of rain.

From Ibn 'Umar, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

لم يمنع قوم زكاة أموالهم إلا منعوا القطر من السماء, ولولا البهائم لم يمطروا.

"If a people are reluctant to remove the charity from their wealth, then they will be prevented from getting rain from the sky. But for the cattle, they would not have given the rain. "[18]

From Buraidah, Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

ما نقض قوم العهد قط إلا كان القتل بينهم وما ظهرت فاحشة في قوم قط إلا سلط الله عز وجل عليهم الموت ولا منع قوم الزكاة إلا حبس الله عنهم القطر

"It is not a people but rather a promise they would be no murder in their midst. It does not seem heinous act in the midst of a people but God will kuasakan death on them. And it is not a people reluctant to spend zakat but God will keep out the rain for them. "[19]

Ash Syaukani hadith explains benefits similar to the above hadith:

    Reluctant to pay the obligatory zakat be lowered because no rain from the sky.
    If the rain was revealed when sin is rampant, then it is only because of the grace of Allah Ta'ala in livestock. [20]

This shows that with someone regular charity, then he has been prosperous earth God.

Hopefully we can believe in some form of faith associated with this rain with true faith, stable and sturdy.

Only God who gave taufik.


[1] See Tafseer Al Jalalain, Jalaluddin Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Muhalla and Abdurrahman ibn Abi Bakr Jalaluddin As Suyuti, p.. 434, Ash Maktabah Shofaa, first printing, the year 1425 H.

[2] See Al Jaami 'Li Ahkamil Qur'an (Tafseer Al Qurtubhi), Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr al-Qurtubi, 17/344, Muassasah Ar Minutes.

[3] HR.Bukhari no. 1039, from Ibn 'Umar.

[4] Tafseer Al Qur'an Al 'Azhim, Ibn Kathir, 11/86, Muassasah Qurthubah.

[5] See Fath Bari, Ibn Hajar Al Asqolani, 6 / 307, Darul ma'rifah.

[6] Al Bidayah wan Nihayah, Ibn Katheer, 1 / 48, Mawqi 'Ya'sub

[7] Al Bidayah wan Nihayah, 1 / 50.

[8] Lauhul Mahfuz is the book of God in which God records every creature destiny. Lauhul Mahfuzh in the Qur'an is called Al Book, Al ul Mubiin, Al Imamul Mubin, Umm Book, and Al Kitab Masthur.

[9] HR. Muslim, no. 2653, from 'Abdullah bin' Amr bin Al 'Ash.

[10] HR. Abu Daud (4700), from 'Ubadah bin Ash Shoomit. Also narrated by Tirmidhi (2156) in Al Qodr and (3316) in at interpretation and in others. This is a hadith shohih. This hadith says shohih by Sheikh Al Albani in Shohih Dho'if wa Sunan Abi Daud no. 4700 and Sunan At-Tirmidhi Sunan wa Dho'if no. 2155.

[11] See Fath Qadir, Ash Syaukani, 6 / 422, Mawqi 'At Tafasir.

[12] Fath Qadir, 6 / 425.

[13] This narration is mentioned by Al Hafidz Ibn Hajar in Fath Bari, 11/98, Darul ma'rifah.

[14] Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim Ibn Kathir, 14/140, Muassasah Qurthubah.

[15] See further explanation of the clergy. Regarding the meaning of the term ar ro'du and ash showa'iq, please see Rosysyul Barod Syarh Al Adab Al Mufrod, Dr. Muhammad Luqman As Salafi, p.. 381, Dar Ad Da'i, first printing, Jumadil Ula, 1426 H.

[16] HR. Tirmidhi no. 3117. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh.

[17] See Majmu 'al-Fataawa, 24/263-264.

[18] HR. Thobroni in Al Mu'jam Al Kabir (13 619). Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh. See Saheeh al-Jami no. 5204.

[19] See Ash or higher no. 107. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh.

[20] Nailul Author, Ash Syaukani, 4 / 26.

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