Thursday, May 26, 2011

When Mobile Rings When Prayers

What should be done when our phone rang because there is a call when we're praying? Answering the phone? Retrieve it from the bag and then turn it off? What if your home phone? Cancel a prayer? Or let it ring until his own death?

We refer to the fatwas of the scholars the following:

Fatwa 1

How the law on the phone that rings when praying with the ringtone, and his ringtone was a song that unlawful or makruh west. How does the law if the owner was not intentionally turn it off? Yet everywhere sticker already affixed its ban, the priest was banned, people were banned, but some people do not care about. Then how well the law if not intentionally?

Sheikh Abdullah Al-Faqih-hafizhahullah answer:

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه, أما بعد:

Every Muslim is obliged to devoted to God in every thing. Also compulsory for the Muslims to try fervently in prayer to keep the things that could turn him from a busy praying. Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam said:

إن في الصلاة لشغلا

"Indeed, prayer is very busy" (Agreed Alaih)

Among the efforts to achieve the absorption is shut down mobile phone, or make it silent. Because if not, the mobile phone can cause anxiety for jama'ah prayer or even disruption. If the Rasulullah Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam just been distracted because of a khamishah (black blanket) so he reduced absorption, then how else with a voice ringtone that is loud and annoying? No doubt that the ringtone is more disturbing and more to reduce absorption.

If the Rasulullah Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam, as in the history of Imam Ahmad, he forbade us the volume we Koran readings when there is prayer, then how else to voice ringtone mobile phone?

So, if someone deliberately did not turn off silent-or-not set his cell phone, he has done the most minimal legal makruh. And even sometimes can be up to the level of unlawful.

But if it does not forget to turn it off, then of course there is no sin for him. Then, that he should do is immediately turn off his mobile phone voice, even when praying. Because some small movement is in no way affect the validity of prayers.

As if the ringtone is a western song or a form of musical tones, then no doubt keharamannya. Because musical instruments and singing that is unlawful under the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam:

ليكونن من أمتي أقوام يستحلون الحر والحرير والخمر والمعازف

"It will be among my Ummah who will justify adultery, silk, wine, and musical instruments" (Narrated by Bukhari)

Someone should be devoted to God to not disturb the Muslims with the sounds of this unjust, when they're facing to his Lord. We ask Allah, may Allah give guidance to all Muslims and provide for their kindness. Wallahu'alam.


Fatwa 2

Some people are working on the prayer congregation at home (without described Sunnah or obligatory prayers,-important life.) If your home phone rings with the ringing sounds that interfere with concentration and duration of sound, may I urge those who pray the prayers or delay the first prayer and then he picked up the phone, then harden the sound of prayer so callers know that they're praying? Diqiyaskan with bolehnya opened the door for people who want to enter or her voice hardening.

Al Lajnah Ad Daa'imah Lil Buhuts Wal Ifta answer:

If a person prays in such circumstances, should urge him to a little prayer, or perhaps to delay the prayer. He could move to the right or left to pick up the phone, on the condition, still facing the Qibla. Then he picked up the phone and then saying: Subhaanallah, so that the caller understands the situation. This is as in the hadith contained in Shahihain:

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يصلي وهو حامل أمامة بنت ابنته, فإذا ركع وضعها وإذا قام حملها

"The Messenger Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam never prayed while carrying Umaamah, his grandson. If he was bowing, he put Umaamah. If he stood, he Umaamah holding back "(Narrated by Bukhari 516, Muslim 543)

In Muslim history there are additional:

وهو يؤم الناس في المسجد

"At that time he was a priest praying at the mosque"

And also, as the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad and others, from 'Aisha Radhiallahu'anha, he said:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يصلي في البيت والباب عليه مغلق فجئت فمشى حتى فتح لي ثم رجع إلى مقامه, ووصفت أن الباب في القبلة

"Once when Rasulullah Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam was praying at home and doors closed. Then I come to enter. He walked forward and opened the door and then continue the prayer in its original place. And illustrated that the door is in the direction of the Qibla "(Narrated by Ahmad, 31 / 6; An Nasa'i, 1 / 178, At-Tirmidhi: 2 / 497)

And also based on the hadith narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim:

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: من نابه شيء في صلاته فليسبح الرجال وليصفق النساء

"Whoever wants to know something when you're praying, then for men pronounce 'Subhaanalah', for women tepukkanlah hand" (Narrated by Bukhari 1234, Muslim 421)

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم


    Abdullah bin Qu'ud (Member)
    Abdullah bin Ghuddayan (Member)
    Abdurrazaq Afifi (Vice Chairman)
    Abdul Aziz bin Abdillah bin Baaz (Chair)


Fatwa 3

Is someone who was praying sunnah prayer obligatory or permissible to open the door? Or Could he answer the phone by saying 'Allahu Akbar'? If he really was expecting an important call.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Jibriin-rahimahullah-answer:

There are several hadith in Musnad and Sunan, from 'Aisha Radhiallahu'anha, he said:

طرقت الباب على النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وهو يصلي والباب في قبلته فمشى قليلا حتى فتح

"I want to go home when the Prophet was praying Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam. The location of the door in direction of the Qibla. He walked a little until the open door for me "

This hadeeth indicates that running one or two steps when prayer does not cancel the prayer. Both the sunnah prayer and the obligatory prayers. Which can cancel the prayer is a lot of moving without any urgent need.

Also narrated from some of the salaf that they prayed while holding the reins animal horse. When the animals went riding, he had come to walk, although still praying. This was done for fear of riding animals apart so decided his journey.

As for answering the phone when in prayer, this is not allowed. Because it includes talk that is not allowed in the prayer. Except if it does not require much movement, allowed to pick up the phone and say Takbir or beads, because the Takbir and the rosary is part of the prayer.


In conclusion we could catch, if in prayer our phone rings, it can do one of several solutions to the following:

    Hasten to complete the prayer, if prayer alone or be a priest
    Retrieve it from the bag and then turn it off or set it to silence mode
    Retrieve it from the bag and then answer the phone by saying 'Subhanallah' or 'Allahu Akbar'

If the phone is not in the bag, eg in a bag that is a few meters from us, or if the case occurred in a home phone, then it can do one of several solutions to the following:

    Hasten to complete the prayer, if prayer alone or be a priest
    If it is not too far, stepped into the phone then turn it off
    If it is not too far, stepped into the phone and answer the phone by saying 'Subhanallah' or 'Allahu Akbar'

From the explanation of Shaykh Ibn Jibriin also be taken understand that if the distance between us by phone so far, require many steps, it will not be allowed to walk to pick it up. Because it can cause movement that is very much that it no longer considered a person who was praying, and can turn us from a busy praying, but when the prayer that our hearts and minds are very busy, as it says in the hadith that have been mentioned above. Allahu'alam.

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